sticks and stones-
will only break your bones.
just tryin to troll your thread. is it workin?
why not just beat him up and do the thirty days. no kids will come in your yard for thirty years. *"old man buck'll whip your azz!"
set them up (with minor on hand) to "steal" a friends stuff and catch them, fuck with em for a little while, then let a 14 year old beat on them while you hold, i was just pondering the same. great minds...
protecting myself on my own property from intruders with non-lethal force is one thing.
chasing an innocent kid around with lethal force in a public area who is running away from you is another.
you nailed it.
to bad you said non lethal force, when you meant none. i wonder what you woulda done iffa youda caught em?
scream politico poll ratings?
do you have experience hogtyin-
folks. cause its not easy.
and, at that rate, you have grossly assaulted the boy. more than likely they would take you to jail also.
and not really-
that scarring. how old is this boy? 15?
he doesn't play hockey or football? the game he had on saturday was a hundred times more physical than your hog tying episode.
i think doin that would just piss him off.
and no. kids don't care about embarrassment. every day for a teenager is fuckmy life.
you gotta fuck with em.
I still say spray the plants, and let'em teach themselves a lesson.
Make friends with parents too, be pillar of community, not a grower involved in drama.
this.. this.. this..either that or have a sizable dog butt rape him
That's a tough one. I'll kill anyone who steps foot in my house. Hands down, no question. But the yard. Eh. Maybe an HD camera or two. Post the video on youtube. The community would punish them more severely than some overworked judge.