Help me understand Organic vs. Chemical grows.

I've read that rainwater can be a significant source of sulfur for outdoor growers, depending on where you live. More so around industrial areas, particularly around areas that burn coal, coal contains a lot of sulfur.
It's weird to think that air pollution could improve the flavor of your outdoor crop. There's got to be better ways to get sulfur into the soil but it's still kinda neat how amazing plants are and how adaptable they are on a biochemistry level.
I haven't used MCT for these, mostly because MCT has a higher melting point lower melting point and I'm not sure the capsules won't leak once filled and left at room temps. Coconut oil doesn't do that. I've made a few different strengths, from about 6mg up to about 25mg, so I can have options, one low strength to sleep, a couple to get a little bit of vibe, or go big and be catatonic. It's been a convenient way to do it.

Some suggest by using whole decarb rather than stripping the THC out for infusion you get something closer to the effect of smoke/vape. I'm not sure that that's a reality or not.

I've built hive bodies too...but never when high. Mine never come out square anyway. ;) Which is why I work in an office and not on a building site.
This is not only true it is specifically why I have issues with many concentrates. Concentrated THC is NOT what gives a strain its effects.