help me with flying bugS...+++ for all help


Well-Known Member
sand sounds like it might work.. i have the same thing as you or its aphids.... there growing in the soil... they only fly around a lil bit... but the soil looks like its moving...


Well-Known Member
yhea thats where mine are also, inside the soil. there eating our roots man. my local shop sugg. this stuff so im going to go try it. its 20 bucks but it will be worth it if it works out...


Active Member
i had the same problem a few weeks ago. try to catch one in something like a shot glass, they're extremely easy to catch. get some fingernail polish remover(has to contain acetone) on a cotton ball and put it in the shot glass with the fly turned down on a table or something for a few minutes, this will kill the fly without smashing it and will give you a chance to examine the fly and compare it with pictures on the net, I linked my flies to what is known as "sciarids" or fungus flies. I also used the polish remover cotton swabs around my plants, not touching them, to drive them away until I could find the right chemicals to treat the larvae in the soil without hurting my plants. oh and that "moving soil" is very very bad, majority of these flies thrive on your plants roots, and they can cause a lot of damage very fast.


Well-Known Member
A layer of sharp sand, aka builder's sand, combined with sticky pest strips should be enough to rid you of gnats. The sand kills the larvae, and the sticky traps catch any remaining adults.

Gnat infestations are usually a result of watering too often, as they thrive in damp conditions, but will die out quickly if they are denied moist soil to feed on. If you only have a few plants, you can rid yourself of gnats simply by not watering for a while. The gnats will die off long before the plant suffers from underwatering.


Well-Known Member
i went to the hydro store to get some ladybugs, the guy had 3 bags.. and outta 1500 a bag.. only one lived. but he gave um to me for free since they were old....anyways. he reccomended this stuff that is some sorta bacteria. its called "gnatural".. he said that it works amazing. ill let ya know when my lights come on...


Well-Known Member
hey man, i picked up that goGnats, today i go up and i dont see a gnat or an insect for that matter in any of my buckets...hell yhea, got them bastards.....i cant believe you lost 1499 ladybugs, lol, poor things


Well-Known Member
yhea it has 2. its 20 dollars, it looks like skim milk, and smells like mint plants. like apearmint gum or something. i do highly recommend for anybody reading this thread
yhea it has 2. its 20 dollars, it looks like skim milk, and smells like mint plants. like apearmint gum or something. i do highly recommend for anybody reading this thread
I would use sand and sticky traps. I got the same problem and that is what i am going to try


Well-Known Member
sand is a bad idea, especially in the early veg. cycle. so ok im on day 3 of using the "goGnats" just thought i would fill in that this worked and i no longer have this problem, so now we know a sure thing

Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
My buddy uses gnatrol that he orders online, he says it works pretty good for him. Although i think his weed tastes like shit....shhhhh