Help Me With My Drying Set-Up Please

The ideal temp is not to hot or cold, people here drying from 18 to 30c with no problems, humidity is not to be fucked with lot, air flow ventilation stops moisture building/settling and then most indoor spaces arent mold prone so its generalky ideal as it is. Too much trend to change humidity, its more about the bud drying to a certain moisture oercentage in a certain time not so much the water in the air. Like if its not a noldy place you shouldnt have a problem, damp moldy basements arent good but well ventilated and maintained ones should be fine. Temp and air exchange to prevent moisture build up are the key factors. Buds going to dry to a drier type in drier warmer climates but its all good just go with the flow.

Thanks for all the tips guys. I'm just going to have to make do as best I can. I'm still searching for other options, or someone I can trust that will let me hand em in their basement, but I have some work to do. And not a lot of time to figure it out.

What would you say your ideal temp/RH is for your drying? Is 65-70 degrees (F) and 50%-60% RH a good range to be in?
Can you guys give me some links and ideas for how to do this? At this point, I'm thinking of using a closet in my finished basement. Temps are steady around 66-68 and humidity is already good (and easily adjusted with a humidifier/dehumidifier).

Cardboard box with a hole at each end and a 12v PC fan blowing in one end and pulling out the other.
Cardboard box with a hole at each end and a 12v PC fan blowing in one end and pulling out the other.

Use some intelligence please, if your going to suggest a fan and box then talk in cfm and area not just a box and fan as if i connect a box and 12v fan i will overdry and forcedry below a certain volume.

Just connected a 12v fan to a box and it made a wind tunnel not a drying box you fool!
Harvest and drying have begun. First of 6 plants so far that had the bulk of their pistils change to orange. Trichomes still look majority cloudy with minimal amber ones visible. Closet is holding at 70 degrees and 55% RH.
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