help me with my plant :(


Active Member
Hey ! everyone i really need help with my plant i water it every night when it's cool it's in direct sunlight so gets enough light but it dosn't seem to be going anywhere lol .. i mean growing wise if anyone could give me some tips on growing and just a little help really would be great !

Thanks to everyone who looked ! :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Hey ! everyone i really need help with my plant i water it every night when it's cool it's in direct sunlight so gets enough light but it dosn't seem to be going anywhere lol .. i mean growing wise if anyone could give me some tips on growing and just a little help really would be great !

Thanks to everyone who looked ! :mrgreen:
The pot may be to small.


Active Member
yeah that's what i thought i'm going to plant it in the ground today with very good soil does anyone think that this will help ?? and i don't know how old the plant is i'll have to get back to you on that one .. Thanks guys


Active Member
Hey , ive just transfered the plant into ground :) and i'm a bit worried about the bottom leafs i pruned them because i thought whats the point in the plant giving energy to a stem that's not worth it .. any thoughts ?


Well-Known Member
For me you have the problem in the 1st sentence.. Water every night..NO..water every 3-5 days....see the droopy leaves.... let it dry a bit and watch... me I feel the soil and when it feels dry I wait 1 more day.... Too much water or food causes 80% of all grow problems.... they have a good color and all, a bit stretched, but so are mine from too much rain & not enough sun.. IMO

**newbie mistake. more = more...
actually more = grim shit..


Active Member
I took this photo today to show you all , i think that the plant should be ok now it's in the ground and i'm going to wait for it to dry out a bit to see if Twistymans method works . Thanks everyone for all of your suport i am situated in the south of france and at the moment it is very hot here not much rain so maybe i should water the plant 2 - 3 times a week ? again thanks everyone :D



Active Member
well , the plant is very slow on growing .. i've just gave it a little bit of water but the suns gone in .. it's still quite hot though . Anybody want to leave some thoughts or comments ?


Active Member
That's what i thought but there is no sign of bugs or any sort of insect anywhere :s it is very confusing lol ..:confused:


Active Member
the strain..? sorry man i'm new to this thing this is my first plant .. lol but if it grows right .. will not be my last ;)


Well-Known Member
((stoned let u know))

Soz about ur misfortune ,,

i was just wondering ,, if u u can list wht u can think about,,e.g

  1. soil ph
  2. Temp tho out side not lot u can do bout
  3. maybe nutes?
  4. humidity,, ?? if low maybe a diy dome with clear plastic (green house) would increase Humidity
  5. not sure if ur using a mixture of soil ,, with e.g perlite ?
things i worry about and test for when plant isn't looking to good,
maybe u could post up ur results ,, and maybe sum1 will see sum thing in the results to help

hope it helps,,


Active Member
does anyone think that if i make a green house out of a big box with 4 sodium light bulbs would help ???


Active Member
ph: i think should be normal it's growing in a vegtable patch so very good soil ..
temp : 25-35 c


Active Member
Put it in a larger pot, that might help, but if it doesn't your plant has probably gotten as tall as it will. After it does that it gets wider and wider and begins to bud. My advice is to not put it in the ground because I've had to move my plant around on several occasions due to people getting suspicious and once my dad found it and he called me a horticulturist so I looked up the word in the dictionary and moved my plant that very night, plus farmers spraying in the fields.


Active Member
my mums cool with it man , thats no problem i just want my plant to grow properly :( but if you think that its only getting that tall but then it gets wider im cool with that lol :D thanks man
Last edited:


Active Member
The plant is doing fine everyone .. buds are sprouting everywhere ... :weed: let the toking begin :D ooooooooooooooh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah !!!


Active Member
nope i got my plant like that ... it comes from algeria .. but you should see it now its great :D and i didn't even do much i just kept it clean lol .. im sad i know but it worked my plant is growing better than ever ..