help me with my plant :(


New Member
like Twistyman said, im fairly new to growing but Id almost guarentee your over watering her. only water every few days or when the top of the soil gets dry and crusty. defifinately to much aqua man. good luck.


Active Member
ill see if i have one on my phone if not have to wait till tonight because i'm about to go out .


Active Member
This was 2 weeks ago .. so look how much its grown! sorry about the light it wasn't a nice day .. i'll make sure i take a photo tonight to show you guys !



Active Member
Okay first off I don't know what it looks like. Is it budding? Make sure your stems aren't turning purple, if they are you need to put some liquid fertilizer in it. You need to make sure you give it regular water all the time, don't give it pond water, try giving it creek water instead and only liquid fertilize it 1nce a week or so, too much will kill it.


Active Member
I think im going to have to change the subject lol .. the plant is fine i'm just sticking photos up to show everyone who has followed how she's doing... thanks anyway ! cheeeeers


Active Member
here she is still growing strong and turning purple .. lol now let's remember i didn't know what weed she was too start with .. any comments ?



Active Member
so you think it's purple haze or a near type of weed? what type of weed do you think she is ?