Help Me Yield More!! Should I Bend My Plant??

I have some sort of Indica plant and it is 4-5 feet tall. It has large branches on it and i was wondering if i tied the branches off with some stakes and string would this benifit the plant? I thought it would help the leaves get more sunlight and grow bigger, therefore i could yield more bud. would this work? Also, a friend recommended that i start trimming some of the leaves, should I?
I read somewhere that trimming the leaves around the plant in a staircase manner is a technique used to yield more is this true?


Well-Known Member
you have 8 colas from topping your plant once?
get it all the time... chop far down where a bunch of nodes r tite togther.. those nodes will become tops.. the closer the r together the more even they will grow... if u top where nodes r far apart, more then likely ul get the top 2 nodes to grow out so go low but not to low obviously
okay thanks. Also i love in canada ontairo and i was wondering if it was too late to cut clones? If i do will they flower in time?


Well-Known Member
doubt it... we r jus enetering our flowering cycle... if u already had rooted clones then yes put them out but by the time u get a healthy root system and harden it off(3 weeks), it wont mature all the way


Well-Known Member
okay thanks. Also i love in canada ontairo and i was wondering if it was too late to cut clones? If i do will they flower in time?
If you have the means, I say go for it, what will it cost ya? You may get lucky and get a indian summer.