help me!


Active Member
can i grow 1 plant off 1x23 watt soft white bulb (1600) 3x13 watts daylight bulb (800)lums tottal of 4k lums and poting soil can feed plants up to 4 months and am new at this :-? and how many grams my I get froms this ???:confused: pz reply lol plus i have a small room to do this


Active Member
If you are referring to Incandescent bulbs then the answer is NO.

First off incandescent bulbs are probably the most useless bulbs for Cannabis. Other useless lighting includes but not limited to tungsten halogen, LP sodium, and mercury vapor. They all have poor spectrums and are not efficient enough to grow marijuana.

I dont grow in soil but I can tell you right now the MG potting soil and others that "feed" plants for up to 4, or 6 months is not the best choices in soil. I would recommend Fox Farms Ocean forest potting soil mix. If you can find that anywhere you are living. You can order it online for about around 12 dollars.

As for decent lighting. Go to you neighborhood hardware store, Home Depot or Lowe's. They both carry CFLs or (compact florescent lights). These lights are fairly inexpensive and produce amazing results when used correctly.

You say you have a small room. I would worry about air ventilation and circulation in this said small room. Think about putting a small deskfan in the room or a 2 speed oscillating fan to move air around the plants. This helps them grow and stimulate bud to swell when you are in flowering.

Just some information to consider. If you deterimined you will get great results. Just keep coming to this site and looking at the newbie section. THere is a weath of information here that will point you in the right direction, so you can be a great grower. Best of luck to you!

PEace and positive energy to you.



Active Member
thx and yh i a, growing under cfl bulbs and have 1 fan plus i just look at my plant and one of the leaves just touched the bulb it burned a lil tip is it ok still and its about 5-6in tall but its about 1-1/2 month old sorry for the less info last-time XD