help me

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
water them with ph water to between 5.8-6.2 hope that helps it looks they're dying of thirst mate, when you water them water until you get run off water out of the bottom of the pot and they should be good for a couple of days
ps i'd do it now mate they look pretty rough


i just watered the m8 ppl told me to leave them there dead anyway they said but i cant just leave them her 4 sisters are doing we i think it might of been a heat prob see its my 1st grow i just need advice i put them on my window now an they seem to be gettin stabillity back a bit just the top on 1 is still flopped


Well-Known Member
Oh fuck they look in bad state, it does look very dry, did you transplant them if you did you could damaged the roots


yh i transplanted them but with the most care i could mannage im using a 400w hps is it to strong but wen i got them they looke root bound nice sets on them but not much room i hae more i done an they seem ok its just spinning my ead


Well-Known Member
How often were you watering and what the room temp, personally it looks like a bad transplant because apart from flopping over, the plant looks a nice green the stem looks like it was strong, when did you transplant? I've fucked up a few transplants, sometimes the plant goes into shock and recovers but like i said sometimes you just fuck it up.


i can see wat ur sayin m8 i transplanted last nite iv put them on my windowsill now an it seems to be gettin a bit of stance back maybe no water but to much heat makin it flop wat u think it could still be damaged root but we will see

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i'm only on my second grow mate, i've added you to my friends list so if you get stuck give me a shout i'm no pro but will help out as best i can, also check out the uk growers thread whether your in the uk or not the guys there are always helpful