help meh


Active Member
one of my larger plants is looking sick, leafs are droopy and yellowing, not sure how much yellowing is natural, also a rabit chewed off some branches. i think its a lock up. can u lower soil ph in a effective way, im out of ideas, and im not sure if using ph down for hydro is good for soil .


Well-Known Member
Ph down is ph down some are organic some not. If your really worried about it use vinegar, it'll lower the ph and your not using your hydro down.

me though personally I'd use what ya have to lower the ph

Hard to diagnose with no pics????


Active Member
Ph down is ph down some are organic some not. If your really worried about it use vinegar, it'll lower the ph and your not using your hydro down.

me though personally I'd use what ya have to lower the ph

Hard to diagnose with no pics????

ill try the vinegar , i might put pics up later