Colo MMJ
Well-Known Member
Amazon has Lady Bugs Live next day live but the Lace wings are eggs so if U got mites lacewings have a led time
pred mites take too long to work on a active infestation @ this time of year (indoor Or out )
pred mites only eat soo many a day , a LB will eat all day best part they eat anything that moves plus eggs & the larva
look under a microscope & u'll see tiny little mite slugs munching yer weed
I wasted big bucks on pred mites & still lost the crop
my local nursery has live LB now $11 a QT I drop a qt every week into the G/H
Since I started LB/s every spring around the house I now see larval LB 's on all my J Maple trees & roses
I read somewhere that is you build a little nectar house that the LB will stick around. Anyone know if that is true? LB are cool.