Help!!! mites just stared in room. week 5 flower

Amazon has Lady Bugs Live next day live but the Lace wings are eggs so if U got mites lacewings have a led time
pred mites take too long to work on a active infestation @ this time of year (indoor Or out )
pred mites only eat soo many a day , a LB will eat all day best part they eat anything that moves plus eggs & the larva
look under a microscope & u'll see tiny little mite slugs munching yer weed
I wasted big bucks on pred mites & still lost the crop
my local nursery has live LB now $11 a QT I drop a qt every week into the G/H
Since I started LB/s every spring around the house I now see larval LB 's on all my J Maple trees & roses

I read somewhere that is you build a little nectar house that the LB will stick around. Anyone know if that is true? LB are cool.
yeah that will do outdoor to keep them around
but if u have a active infestation they will stay as long as there is food (mite & thrips )
i was just watering & a LB was chasing a fungus nate around the pot rim , I guess he can't use his wings yet
got sum nematodes on the way for the Fungus flies
My mistake was using some soil that sat out side awhile ;/
a top up on some pots
instant fungus fly issue
I cut some huge boys down & shook the LB outta them
damn IBL's showed late
If u walk outside and look around you will find these buggers everywhere, i just scrape them on to a leaf at the bottom of my plants.


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Keep us updated. Spider mites are like war. You gotta just keep hitting them.
Next day inspection could not find a single mover, and the shells of dead ones after the peroxide wash makes me smile :D . I'm liking the peroxide allot, pronounced results and an easy spray. Did it at the start of the light cycle with no ill effects. I'm flowering under a 250w hps so moving the light up a foot till they dry off makes an easy application. Will hit them again tomorrow regardless of any sightings, also ordered some green cleaner to mix it up a bit. I'm in 3rd week of flower with a sativa dominant (strawberry blue) so I may have another good week of spraying. Hoping to lay off with pronounced bud development.
Next day inspection could not find a single mover, and the shells of dead ones after the peroxide wash makes me smile :D . I'm liking the peroxide allot, pronounced results and an easy spray. Did it at the start of the light cycle with no ill effects. I'm flowering under a 250w hps so moving the light up a foot till they dry off makes an easy application. Will hit them again tomorrow regardless of any sightings, also ordered some green cleaner to mix it up a bit. I'm in 3rd week of flower with a sativa dominant (strawberry blue) so I may have another good week of spraying. Hoping to lay off with pronounced bud development.

Good news. Hydrogen peroxide rocks. You can use it to whiten your teeth. Supposedly in the 1930s a German doctor showed how putting a little in you ear can kill a cold or flu (?). I used it when I was young for acne. Any cuts or scrapes.

Supposedly can be used for root rot in soil and hydro. Usually the heavy duty stuff but 3% probably can work. I have seen guys at grow store buying big jugs of 35%. Maybe to clean out big hydroponics set ups???
Mighty Wash finally rid me of the pests. I had them pretty bad for a minute. Neem oil watering and spray works well. Safer is great as well so is Azmax. Caliclean/pepper spray did nothing to them.
Mighty Wash finally rid me of the pests. I had them pretty bad for a minute. Neem oil watering and spray works well. Safer is great as well so is Azmax. Caliclean/pepper spray did nothing to them.

Safer with Sulphur? Yeah if you had them bad and Mighty Wash did the trick then it must be good. A bad infestation is a night mare.

Here I am giving advice and last night I go and look and guess what? I have spider mites. I ran the Canadian web site tip using rubbing alcohol, 3% hydrogen peroxide and Dawn or dish soap.

I sprayed after the lights went out. I let it sit for about 7 hours then rinsed with water. It seems to have worked but I need to check more leaves. Also started watering with SNS 209 (has rosemary oil).

The Canadian tip - I used 50% rubbing alcohol not 90% or I think they said 99%. I will get the better alcohol for the future. 90 to 99% alcohol even heavily diluted will give those bugs a bad day.

The plants look great. I swear that once you get bugs off the plants - they perk up almost immediately.
nope not in my case,
tried that 1st off & many times since
orange oil much better in my use

Where do you get orange oil? I know one of the ingredients in Green Cleaner is citric acid which is in oranges and lemons.

Some guy on one thread at another web site said Bonners Peppermint oil soap. I know Peppermint oil is good.

posted this on another thread

spray the gro room surfaces down with pure orange oil ( I use 50 to one, oil to this next mix = with equal parts water & ISO 90% alcohol , a few drops of dish soap ) put a 1/4 " on oil in the bottom of a quart hand sprayer & then fill 1/2 way with water & then fill will ISO & soap . Shake well before spray , this is safe on plants pets , you , smells good
& best of all dissolves eggs & mites on contact ,kills feas, ants & spiders on contact
I use this stuff around the house it replaces 409 & such cleaners
that Qt will last years
dish soap makes it emulsify the water oil alky together u must shake thou
Lady bugs can be kept in your refrigerator for months if give them a cotton ball of sugar water in most pints of LB's have a cotton ball in the mesh lid
that way you doll out a few a week , they will actively search a plant if u apply at the stem
I just shake a few ( a doz or soo ) outta the pint with the wood shaving that they are shipped in right @ the stem
best do this at lights out , they quickly run up yer bush lol
Store LB's in a paper bag in the refer ,do not freeze em
How goes the battle? Im on my 5th day of no live mite sightings though still spraying with the peroxide every other day. Just ordered some green lacewing eggs to add into the grow as I want to stop spraying completely in the final month or so of flower.
How goes the battle? Im on my 5th day of no live mite sightings though still spraying with the peroxide every other day. Just ordered some green lacewing eggs to add into the grow as I want to stop spraying completely in the final month or so of flower.
google lace wing house as you can raise them like hapsters & keep them from eattin each other
An update on my battle. Flower tent one week since Ive seen a live crawler, also added 1000 green lacewing eggs into tent to bat cleanup. Grow tent 3 days since a live sighting been spaying with green cleaner in there as I have a bottle. All in all hitting them with the peroxide+iso in the fogger seems to have knocked them out. Cali cleaner helped but the peroxide seemed more effective.
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An update on my battle. Flower tent one week since Ive seen a live crawler, also added 1000 green lacewing eges into tent to bat cleanup. Grow tent 3 days since a live sighting been spaying with green cleaner in there as I have a bottle. All in all hitting them with the peroxide+iso in the fogger seems to have knocked them out. Cali cleaner helped but the peroxide seemed more effective.

Thanks for the update. Do you add any dish soap with peroxide & iso?