HELP! Multiple problems?!?!?


Well-Known Member
Alright first problem, I'm a noob,
Second problem, I dont have a camera or access to one.

So, now onto the growing problems. prepare for an essay.

My girl is growning in a cheap generic name potting soil mix with added perlite and vermiculite. approx 2.5 gal pot. flowering under a 430w HPS
My problems started approx one month ago before I was checking my ph. I was watering every 2-3 days with 3/4 tsp of molasses once a week, my girl was doing well, she was 49 days old, I decided to add some high P Guano & switched my light cycle to 12/12. The next day the lower leaves started to yellow slightly. The next watering i added a small amount of blood meal (N) to help the yellowing (thinking it was a defficiency). Later that night I also bought a PH test kit. I tested the water and found it to be 7.2PH or more (cheap kit from walmart) next checkup the largest fan leaves were yellowing heavily & developing brown blotches. I thought i might have nute lockout because of the high PH, i corrected the Ph and put a little more water in than normal but it became worse. I gave it a flushing thinking it was overdosing/nute burn, the runoff ph was 6.5 so I added only a small amount of molasses and high P guano at the end of the flushing. It still slowly became worse, then I went away for a week and had timers taking care of everything, came back and of course the yellowing & brown blotches spread, alot of the big fan leaves were dead, some other leaves dead aswell, also the very top new leaves are yellow but only in the middle (unlike the lower leaves which yellow from the outside/tips inwards). So after lots of research, yesterday i flushed her still thinking it was nute burn. This time the Ph of the runoff was less than 6.0. after a full flushing the ph was still below 6.0.

Today i checked on her and older leaves (if not already dead/ removed) are still yellowing/developing brown blotchy spots. Also now more leaves are developing very small brown spots, almost like freckles. the newest leaves are still yellow in the middle.
My only thought is that with the runoff ph at lower than 6.0 i still have nutelock.
How do i bring my ph of the runoff up? I already ran 3x more water than the size of my pot through the soil with a ph of 6.5-7.0 trying to bring it up.
Anyone have other insights/thoughts/ideas?


Well-Known Member
Well I will tell you this ~
Pearlite (floats) is for keeping your soil from staying drenched.
Vermiculite (sinks and retains water) is for keeping your soil drenched.


Well-Known Member
Well I will tell you this ~
Pearlite (floats) is for keeping your soil from staying drenched.
Vermiculite (sinks and retains water) is for keeping your soil drenched.
I knew that already, and both add airspace & make the soil lighter, i was happy with the water retention of the soil from my last grow which produced two males but the soil was very hard, i wanted to make it easier for the roots but keep the same water retention so i added both.
Any help on my real problem?