HELP! Mushroom spores in my soil!

So I guess the miracle grow I bought at walmart was loaded with spores because lots of little mushrooms are coming up. I'm growing indoors. Has anyone else ever had this happen and did it affect your plants?


Well-Known Member
I don't think it was from the MG, you probably brought spores into your grow from outside on your clothing.
I dug down into the miracle grow and found tons of little white mushrooms down in it. I still have the miracle grow I will dig some out and post a pic tomorrow. I just keep picking them out from around my plants. I just hope it doesn't affect my plants.


Active Member
Ive seen threads about this before. Always miracle grow soil. Try google to search for the other threads


Well-Known Member
Mushrooms are your friend,its great for you soild I am a mushroom hobbiest, the yeild diffrance in a plant with mycelium in the soil vs. Without is drastic,

Look into a book called MYCELIUM RUNNING by paul stamets.

A lot of. Bad info here about mushrooms in much so that there was a thread here where a guy said his best looking clone had mushrroms in the soil and people talk him into tossing the plant,some people can't connect the dots

New Member
Seems like a great opportunity for an experiment!

Why don't you get another bag of MG soil from another store so it hopefully doesn't have any spores in it, and plant a couple in the soil with mushrooms and a couple in the soil without mushrooms and see what happens!

You could put this debate to rest once and for all yourself!


Well-Known Member
There's no debate, there are just wrong people and right people.

Its like Saying worms are bad cuz"dude they will hella eat all your roots up bromandude"

the proof is out there and I just posted some of it.

New Member
What you posted what about Mycorrhizae. Which is Greek for Fungus Root, however, I can assure you from using plenty of Mycorrhizae that I have never had mushrooms growing out of my mediums.

The spores/fungus they use in Mycorrhizae products are not the same as a typical mushroom style fungus. The mushroom is the actual "fruit" of the fungus which is a different species then what is used in Mycorrhizae products.

I haven't seen any studies or information pertaining to fruiting style fungi used in the root systems of marijuana plants. Furthermore it would stand to reason that a fruiting style fungi would eat more nutrients out of the medium possibly even starving the plants for nutrients, as that can even sometimes happen with non fruiting species of fungi.