Help! My Babies are Dying!


Active Member
Sorry man I'm new here.... Ok I'm 2 weeks into growing white widow, setup: reservoir(ebb n flow) 600wt mh lighting with 1 flouresents light on each side of the system... Temp is always between 75-80 degrees... Watering with light nute solution for like a week until I saw them dying now I used carbonated water and distilled water 3 times daily... Using rapid rooter as my medium....Oh my nutes are: general hydroponics florabloom, floragrow, and flora micro


Active Member
I don't have pics right now I'll get some... Does anyone use rapid rooter...they're turning yellow... Its been 2 weeks and they are still super tiny... One is leaning bad... I'm new and I didn't know not to let the nuts touch leaves or they'll burn.. I lowered my now 10 inches from Plant... PLEASE SOMEONE GIVE ME ADVISE.... thx


Well-Known Member
if your using distilled water you wanna supplement with calmag or your gonna get a def quick as hell


Active Member
Ok if it is ph lock what can I do if anything? The been in there for 2 weeks and at first they were growing but now they having grown at all... They look yellow and the 2 little leave that were there has died... I don't kno If I should continue or chunk them in the trash


Active Member
yeah i checked the was at 5.5 when i first started then someone told told me it should like 6.8 or 7 sooo 7 is where it is now....i dont think i can save em...

pic!.jpegi hope you can see it....(i kno....they look like shit lol)


Well-Known Member
You are putting nutes on those? Maybe I am wrong but I would just be using water and maybe a drop of Superthrive at this point. Those are a long ways from needing any nutes.


Well-Known Member
do you have them under the mh light? If you do then get rid of it for now and just use the flo's, waaaaay to intense for the young'ins


Active Member
ok i had the flo's for a week and change to mh for a week....sooo can you tell what the problem is...are they can i fix them


Well-Known Member
I don't think it is the seeds. They sprouted. It's what you are doing to them afterwards. Again, are you really feeding them nutes?


New Member
Yeah fed them too early there. Next time use just ph'd water, and test the runoff. I am not sure you can save these. All you can do is flush, and feed straight water, and hope for the best.


Well-Known Member
I would flush them with water. Get some Superthrive. And a drop to your watering container and just feed them that. And I would be real nice to old people and small babies for awhile. Can't hurt to have some good karma rolling.


Active Member
i was giving them nutes at first but i stopped and now they just get distilled water and carbonated water...when should i start with the nutes? do you think they can be saved???


Active Member
lol....i will be super nice....where can i get superthrive? i use general hydoponics for my nutes.... are they good to use