Help my baby!

AHHH!!! my little baby is getting yellow dead spots on its new growth! its not the old leaves, but the new ones that are getting yellow and shriveling up at the ends. its sounds terrible, and it looks scary. im thinkin some kind of nutrients to save it?! does anyone know what i can do??!!!!


Well-Known Member
its about a month or so old. its still kinda little tho. im growin it in some fertilizer and i havent fed it nethin yety
If I'm reading this correctly, you have a small plant that you're growing in "some fertilizer"? If you're growing it "in fertilizer", that is feeding it. If so, you need to take your plant and re-pot it in some sort of grow medium that has absolutely NO ferts in it, assuming that the plant is still alive. You shouldn't be feeding your plants until week 4 at the earliest. They don't need it. The first picture is a plant I grew at 10 days, and again at 4 weeks. No ferts what-so-ever. Most dirt you buy has some ferts in it, so make sure you read the bag.

