HELP! my big fan leaves are all dying PICS


Active Member
i bought two blue bream clones 2 weeks ago and transfered them into hempy buckets right away. the hempy's are filled with perilite to the hole, then perilite/coco 50/50. I forgot to flush the coco and perilite before the transplant. but i flushed with the initial watering until it came out clear. I didnt ph the water but the plants looked fine. new growth looked good

After about a week the girls started looking a little droopy so i figured they needed some food. i also figured the added coco a+b would bring the ph level closer to where it should be. No, after that first feeding both little girls started dying. one big fan leaf after another. one plant dying faster than the other.

so after another week i got a ph meter. I mixed nutes, phed em, fed the girls and gave it 2 days. Still dying slowly. So i mix up another batch of nutes and this time i ph test my run off. The run off read ph 6.8 in both.

Is the ph my problem for sure?
or could it be because i never initially flushed my coco/perilite

and also how do i fix the ph? i've watered with a ph of 5.6 two times and the run off is still at 6.8.

HELP thanks

cant figure the pics out yet


New Member
PH up or PH down... vinegar and banking soda if your broke.
(wanna make it clear i donno if this is your problem but thats how to fix ph's)


Active Member
do you think there could be a build up of perilite and coco dust at the bottom of my hempy buckets, because i didnt flush the mediums before i put them in the hempy's?

Could that dust sediment build up be causing my PH to be so high?

I think today i'm going to tilt the buckets drain as much water as i can and then flush with water PHed to 5.5.
Is that going to be to big of a PH jump?


Well-Known Member
any pics sounds like u over water and to much nut coco holds water pretty long. if anything give them super thrive. drain all the water flush flush flush. then replace water and check ph.


Well-Known Member
hmmm almost looks like ur ph is off. what kind of water u watering with. hopefully ur not using city water right from the tap. do u have fuirt fly looking things crawling around. put a piec of tape down. and check it in the am for bugs. or a small cup of beer. check for floaters. pull those leaves off there no good and looking at them dont help just watch the new ones.. u might of fixed it already... just keep checking the ph coming out the bottom dont water tell there dry.


Active Member
heynow. yesterday afternoon, i drained out as much of the water as i could, by tilting the bucket almost sideways. then i flushed each bucket with a half gallon of water, PH 5.6. I was kinda afraid i was gonna change the PH too far too fast, but today they look better. The new growth is definatly coming out a darker color green, and i didn't even add any nutes. I'm watching the fan leaves hoping they stop dying. If I cut the dying leaves off won't another one just start dying?

I hope the PH was my only problem.


Well-Known Member
no the dying ones steal nut from the new ones cut them off. y did u have to tilt the buckets to get the water out. do u have holes in the bottom of the buckets it should drain out ? if the hole are blocked drill more and mayde even a few on the side near the bottom. majek is right about the nitrogen. but thats cause the ph is off and the plant cant us any of it. i like to put packing peanuts in the bottom of my buckets about 4 inchs helps to keep the holes from getting blocked. some penuts are made from starch and disolve in water make sure u dont use those.


you are over feeding them very sensitive clone they are super sensitive to nutes especially after a transplant and you are over water them coco hold a lot of water and hold some nutes in their for a couple of day to and if you had to turn the bucket sideway you do not have good drainage it should be come out the bottom at least in 5 to 10 minute by its self make more hole and you should be fine hold off on watering them till the coco dries out a bit let the roots strech it will bounce back bro no nutes just ph water