Help my blueberry is taking 2 long???


My feminized blueberry frm dutch passion has been flowering now for 11 weeks and still looks at least 3 weeks off. They r on soil in big pots and under a 600w hps. Has any 1 else had this problem and how can it b tackled as the seed packet said they would only flower for 9 weeks......???? Thanx


Well-Known Member
I purchased the the regular BB from them and at 82 days cut them down. I was not impressed. I had 4 pheno types and the stuff was not what I expected. Would not buy BB from them again. I also grew DJ Shorts New True BB. Not impressed. I'm still looking for the real thing.



Well-Known Member
i love bb but they just take too damn long. mine went 11 b4 i cut them and really they could have gone longer for peak harvest. i just pollinated a indica that takes 6-8 weeks with a bb hopefully some of the good bb caracteristics will remain but without the wait


Well-Known Member
i love bb but they just take too damn long. mine went 11 b4 i cut them and really they could have gone longer for peak harvest. i just pollinated a indica that takes 6-8 weeks with a bb hopefully some of the good bb caracteristics will remain but without the wait
what indica ?


Well-Known Member
I crossed the new tru BB with M39 and grew some of the seeds out. Was not bad but I just don't have the time to grow them out and sort the keepers from the losers. So I keep buying seeds looking for the next big one. Growing VISC Fucking Incredible and M39 and Hashberry from Madala Seeds. I do like my indicas.
