help! my clones are flowering sooner than expected!! / grow update!!


New Member
hi there. this is my first grow. i have a few clones and a mother chilling on my patio. i brought the clones home from a dispensary and immediately put them outside thinking the cali sunshine would be better than any artificial light available. unfortunately being a n00b, i didn't know that the light change would make them think it was fall and they would start to flower early (they must have been on a long light schedule at the dispensaries). i'm attaching some pics so ya'll can see whats going on better than words. and also check out the praying mantis egg sack! its on my orange big bud. i'm hoping they will hang out in my garden and eat any pests. also the mother plant is a mekong high sativa and its not flowering early. looking good in early veg state. my main questions are the following:

1. are my plants going to flower all the way now and just have a smaller yield?

2. or are they going to hang out in early flower stages for a long time and keep growing. producing a decent yeild later?

3. is this going to stress them out causing them to become hermaphrodite losers? :(

4. if they are going to flower now should i hit them with some nutes? i try to go all organic as possible. right now i'm using some crushed up eggshells on the soil and coffee grounds (works great for roses!) and i also used a little bit of organic blooming flower fertilizer and my grow medium has some nutes premixed.



Active Member
1) if you keep giving them 13 hours or less of light yes.
2) depends on if the light outside lasts at least 14.5 hours or longer. If it does they will reveg. I mean strong light by the way. Not sunset light
3) it could if the light schedule keeps flipping to and from veg and flower.
Also if your going to decide to bring them back inside make sure they are out under HID.
This will limit chance of hermie but they still might.
4) If your using powered or liquid nutes like dynagro or jacks classic don't plan on going organic.
Don't give them nutes until they want em

What nutes are you giving? And what soil?


Well-Known Member
1. Flowering is dependent on dark hours, not light. Most strains will flower when given 12 hours of uninterrupted dark.

Cannabis produces flowering hormones during the dark hours. When the lights come on/up, the hormone stops being produced. If the hormone is not allowed to build up to sufficient levels to begin flowering, it doesn't flower it grows vegetatively.

If the dark period is long enough, the hormone builds up to a level that initiates flowering. As long as the dark period is long enough for the hormone to reach flowering levels, the plant will continue flowering.

So, if they are getting less than 12 hours of dark they will not continue to flower. Some strains can flower with shorter dark periods and some need an extra hour or two. Twelve hours seems to be a good standard for the majority of popular strains.

The clones could have been taken off a flowering plant. If this is the case, they will need some time to revert back to vegetative state. A week or so of long days and short nights will stop them from flowering. These types of cuts often grow lots of branches and fill out into bushes. They will flower like any other plant when the nights get long enough.

All cannabis plants show "pre-flowers" which are usually single flowers scattered about the plant. This doesnt mean the plant is full blown flowering, just that it is mature enough to begin flowering.

There are also "auto flowering" plants which flower independent of the photoperiod. I would think that whoever gave you the cuts would have mentioned that. IME, it is unusual to get cuts of autoflowers.

As for fertilizer, I would let the plants tell you what they need. I wouldnt add non-composted things like egg shells and coffee grinds. If they havent been broken down properly by composting, they really lack any benefit and promote all sorts of pests, fungus and pH fluctuations.

Worm castings, liquid seaweed and bat guano are popular organic fertilizers that are available as top dressings from most garden stores.


Well-Known Member
turn your porch light on and remove the flowers that have formed they will reveg
ive heard that alot this season
its warm but the days are just getting long enough to veg outside


Well-Known Member
1. Flowering is dependent on dark hours, not light. Most strains will flower when given 12 hours of uninterrupted dark.

Cannabis produces flowering hormones during the dark hours. When the lights come on/up, the hormone stops being produced. If the hormone is not allowed to build up to sufficient levels to begin flowering, it doesn't flower it grows vegetatively.

If the dark period is long enough, the hormone builds up to a level that initiates flowering. As long as the dark period is long enough for the hormone to reach flowering levels, the plant will continue flowering.

So, if they are getting less than 12 hours of dark they will not continue to flower. Some strains can flower with shorter dark periods and some need an extra hour or two. Twelve hours seems to be a good standard for the majority of popular strains.

The clones could have been taken off a flowering plant. If this is the case, they will need some time to revert back to vegetative state. A week or so of long days and short nights will stop them from flowering. These types of cuts often grow lots of branches and fill out into bushes. They will flower like any other plant when the nights get long enough.

All cannabis plants show "pre-flowers" which are usually single flowers scattered about the plant. This doesnt mean the plant is full blown flowering, just that it is mature enough to begin flowering.

There are also "auto flowering" plants which flower independent of the photoperiod. I would think that whoever gave you the cuts would have mentioned that. IME, it is unusual to get cuts of autoflowers.

As for fertilizer, I would let the plants tell you what they need. I wouldnt add non-composted things like egg shells and coffee grinds. If they havent been broken down properly by composting, they really lack any benefit and promote all sorts of pests, fungus and pH fluctuations.

Worm castings, liquid seaweed and bat guano are popular organic fertilizers that are available as top dressings from most garden stores.
Virtually all strains will flower no problem with just 10 hours of darkness , perhaps some tropical sativa will have issues
outside 12/12 would not be reached until winter in many parts of the world
they flower mid to late august in autumn

indoor they will also flower with 14/10
12/12 is the artificial indoor standard supposed to mimic equinox where day and night are of equal length
in many parts of the world the plants would be harvested before this time
still i think 12/12 works fine i did not see any advantage running 14/10 indoor

from the reports i have read, 9.5 hours of darkness is said to be the cut off point, i have never tried this
it would make an interesting experiment
it would be interesting to see what a photo period of 15/9 would do, as 16/8 will keep them vegging without any issues



New Member
wow, thanks for all the good info! i am definitely going to try and keep these guys outside, seeing as how i have no grow lights at all. the 14 hours of light has to be strong direct light though? they get pretty strong direct light with some partial shade from about 9am-5pm and they get some fairly strong morning and evening light as well. its not always strong and not always direct (its the sun. i can't control it!)

how do you know when your plants are asking for nutes? the leaves start to droop, show spots, or turn yellow? so far i'd say they look very healthy. they have a couple yellow spots on the leaves here and there but no big deal. all the new growth looks healthy and green :)

i am hoping these are just pre-flowers and they aren't going into full bloom. but i can't really tell.

i use eggshells and coffee grounds for a couple reasons. yes they aren't composted yet but they break down into the soil slowly releasing good nutes like nitrogen slowly. and coffee grounds are great for tomatoes and other plants that like it just a little acidic.

my grow medium is pretty simple. just regular garden soil. compost (worm castings), perlite and some peat moss. i wanted the medium to have some nutes in it but also drain well. seems to be working pretty well.

so since i'm keeping these guys outdoors and can't control the light. do you guys think they'll revert back to veg or hang out in this early stage of flowering since the days are more than 14 hours of light? or is the morning and evening light not strong enough to make a difference? I'm not to upset if they flower now. they're actually very interesting looking flowers and they smell great! haha!


New Member
hey i just noticed that some of the leaves around the tops of my clones are a little weird. i.e. they aren't 5 fingered. what i mean is that all the other leaves have 5 saw toothed edges pieces. some of the newer leaves have 5 but the outside 2 leaves are rather small and don't have a sawtooth edge. a couple other leaves are just 4 pronged or 3 pronged. i'm more worried now that my plant is going hermaphrodite, BUT they smell good and they are starting to develop crystals i think. see attached pics for that. im not really sure what to do. did i just accidentally pick a bad time of year to put them outside thinking it was a good time because it was spring? i never knew they were SO sensitive to light changes.

luckily my mother plant is doing fine. looks symmetrical. you can tell the others are clones by looking at her. so i'm guessing that since i grew her from seed that she is just adjusted to this light cycle as veg?

my photos might not be totally true to life color but i tried :P
