Help! My Closet has No Attic Above It. How do I Exhaust?


Active Member
Do I need a bigger fan for my tent considering its only 4x2x5? For intake I was hoping I could use something like in your first picture.


Active Member
Awesome, so I guess my last question is if I use that intake fan does it need to be ducted into the tent or just into the closet and from there the passive intake would take over as far as getting the closets cool air into the tent? I can't wait to get home and run my exhaust into the attic. Would I use a flex duct crimped connector to secure it into thee ceiling or something else?

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
Most tents have intake holes of different sizes, there should be several 4 and 6 inch holes.
Many even have sleeves on them.

So I set my intake in one of those sleeves and thats it.

So are you using a hood or just a reflector ?

For the duct through the ceiling, make sure you cut a hole just slightly "slightly larger then the flex duct.
Then just make sure you put a little extra through the hole and it should hold itself up there.(a foot or two)

I would put the duct through first, that way you can wad the duct up and put your hand inside of it which will help to work it in.
Then attach it to what ever you are attaching it to


Active Member
Yeah my tents got a few 4 and 6 inch holes. Im a little confused about what u mean when u set your intake in those sleeves. Im not using a hood or reflector as this is just a cfl grow.
And I don't know what im attaching it to in the ceiling, that's where im confused. I don't want the damn thing falling back down

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
Check this out..

As you slide the duct through the hole you can reach inside the duct with a tack in your hand.
Push the duct around until you feel something up there you can tack the duct down to. (hence the hand inside the duct)
With your hand inside the duct you can feel around with your hand while you hold the duct with a few fingers..

If your not using a hood then your fan and scrubber will be enough to draw in it's own air.


Active Member
Ok look ive done this in an apartment before my solution was to cut a 6inch hole and run duct through a connected wall to ANY OTHER ROOM than the one this sits in. you inline fan will pump enough air out of your tent for a good enough exchange to keep your plants cool
here is a Ventilation thread

i got a 6" in-line one for my 5x5x7 tent sucks straight outta my cooltube (whole 1000kwatt setup 400$) and it keeps my tent cool and the light cold to the touch (cept underneath)

MAKE SURE YOU KEEP THE PLASTER and DONT DROP IT inside the wall so when you move out its an easy fix.
Otherwise consider your bathroom vent (the loud one) or dryer vent as an alternative (required carbon filter as my vent exits were right next to my front door)
i got a question.. i need to keep the smell down.. i just got a carbon filter, do i put it inside the tent sucking air in and blowing it out Or outside the tent sucking air out the tent.. which one is right i seen both in and out? i would hate to do this one by trial and error. thanks


Well-Known Member
i got a question.. i need to keep the smell down.. i just got a carbon filter, do i put it inside the tent sucking air in and blowing it out Or outside the tent sucking air out the tent.. which one is right i seen both in and out? i would hate to do this one by trial and error. thanks
A practical application would be to put the scrubber inside the tent where the smelly air can be cleansed before exiting your tent. Pulling air through the scrubber using your fan, and then out of the tent.


Active Member
Well I've got it venting into the attic now, man that was alot easier than I thought! Thanks for all the help guys! It has def helped w/temps. I don't have my fan yet for intake into the closet so I'm just keeping the closet door open and my temps have gone down very nicely. I will be getting the intake hole cut and fan ready b/c once I do that it will virtually be stealth. Actually my fiancee says that its quiet enough already but I'd still like to be able to keep the closet doors closed to make it quieter. The closet door did get shut today while I was at work and temps only got up to 81 which is still in the safe zone.
Keep it at 85. Nothing wrong with that, plants will thrive just as much in 85 as the do at 75. Just because it is warm for you as a person does not mean it is too warm for your babies.
Well I've got it venting into the attic now, man that was alot easier than I thought! Thanks for all the help guys! It has def helped w/temps. I don't have my fan yet for intake into the closet so I'm just keeping the closet door open and my temps have gone down very nicely. I will be getting the intake hole cut and fan ready b/c once I do that it will virtually be stealth. Actually my fiancee says that its quiet enough already but I'd still like to be able to keep the closet doors closed to make it quieter. The closet door did get shut today while I was at work and temps only got up to 81 which is still in the safe zone.
Don't forget to "Rep" the people that helped you...

Best of growing.


Active Member
Don't forget to "Rep" the people that helped you...

Best of growing.
I was paranoid that I didn't, but I have already repped Buddy Ganga and apparently i have to spread some love before i can again. I do need more help though....temps have soared lately! Outside hitting close to 100 and inside going up to 72-74 and temps in my tent soared to 90 today. I'm trying different combo's of air inlets for the tent being open and nothing is helping. The temps in the closet are still only 72-74. I don't know why inside tent is getting to 90 today. The closet door was open. I really think i'm going to have to get an inline duct fan to bring cool air from the bedroom into the closet, or I may run my cool air in from the adjoining bathroom, which has an ac vent, with an inline fan and run the ducting into the tent directly.