Help!!! my first grow (Ohio)PICS


Ok this is my first grow i plant this baby lik the end of april so as you can see its growing super slow so i wanna knoe y its stunned and somthings tryin to eat at my plant......But others wise i think its growing pretty good but what do



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i will tell you like i told my brother, pull the weeds. all they are doing is taking away from the plant.. keep about a 3ft weeded area around your plants.. in a wwek you will see a big diffrence... she looks good. good luck


Well-Known Member
this, once again, is why I suggest growing indoors..


for a HUGE list of reasons.

Insects and bugs being the number one problem and reason why I grow indoors.

In a nutshell, the reason why I'm such an advocate for indoor growing.. is simply because I like to have complete control over the plants environment.. this way.. the bugs and other predators don't even have/get the chance to eat my babies. Plus, you can flower indoor plants whenever you feel like it.. therefore you can control the plants height.. and control yields.

You probably can get better yields, using the natural sun as light... but.. the pro's of indoor growing FAR outweigh the pro's and con's of outdoor growing. Period.

anyhow, good luck man. I can't even see the plant.. oh.. wait.. there it is. heh. :)

good luck my friend.. from what I see in the pics, your babies are going to need all the luck that they can get.

GO INDOORS! (if possible).



Active Member
Have to agree with mygirls. You need to get that brush back away from the plant they are getting what your plant needs.


Well-Known Member
this, once again, is why I suggest growing indoors..


for a HUGE list of reasons.

Insects and bugs being the number one problem and reason why I grow indoors.

In a nutshell, the reason why I'm such an advocate for indoor growing.. is simply because I like to have complete control over the plants environment.. this way.. the bugs and other predators don't even have/get the chance to eat my babies. Plus, you can flower indoor plants whenever you feel like it.. therefore you can control the plants height.. and control yields.

You probably can get better yields, using the natural sun as light... but.. the pro's of indoor growing FAR outweigh the pro's and con's of outdoor growing. Period.

anyhow, good luck man. I can't even see the plant.. oh.. wait.. there it is. heh. :)

good luck my friend.. from what I see in the pics, your babies are going to need all the luck that they can get.

GO INDOORS! (if possible).


Walking down the trail on a nice early morning, the dew glistening off every leaf you see. Lighting up a spliff, taking in the nice fresh morning air and basking in the suns beutiful rays. Walking up to the patch and seeing your beutifull girls enjoying the setting more than I.

Growing outdoors is an adventure. Half of the fun is not seeing you patch for weeks and seeing it for that first time. Icant explain the excitement. You can have just as many problems with indoor growing.

Sorry for the long post OP, just had to get that out of the way.

I second the notion for laying down black plastic. Low profile and it'll take care/prevent anything from growing around your plant.
dude rip the weeds get all other plants away from it check top soil if it looks dry cracked dig it up and dig a 2 foot mound around it and u will get a beasty plant


Well-Known Member
you should pull the weeds asap, you being in ohio your plant is going to wanna bud soon, you must get that plant growing today!


Active Member
also are you just using your regular soil that was already at your grow spot? If so, I suggest digging a hole and filling it with some type of organic soil or other type of medium so it will grow easier and then transplant your plant. Clay like soil is difficult to grow in.

pot scott

Well-Known Member
it looks like it's being grown in the ground soil, and the soil is probably to compact. there's ur problems