Help my Girls are starting to turn yellow


Hi Peeps

Please take a look at my pic and tell me what you think ?

i've got them under a 300w cfl
in soil.
i'm not feeding them much so i dont think its over feed

Could this be pot bound ? i dont no thats why i'm asking you guys

Any help would be great




New Member
it needs nutes, looks like a N deff but that usually starts at the tips and works it's way down the leaf I belive
is that leaf from the top of the plant, if so that's normal when they're still veggin' when it's new growth


Well-Known Member
Well it seems ok to me.. no need to worry.. you could try boosting N a bit , but keep in mind that it's very easy to nut burn your plant..


here's some more pictures - i think it could be a PH issuse as i was told they were planted in coco soil so i was using 5.8 for the water.

but now i know they are in normal soil so i have changed it to 6.8ph

thats was a few days ago but i think there getting worse

