Help - My Iranian Auto-flowers are dying!

So just as I'm just about to buy my soil mixture/nutes and transplant these babies, they start to go bad on me! Haven't changed anything at all really. I started them indoors in my window sill and I recently have had them outside on the roof of my barn full time. Some nights it gets as low as ~14degC but I figured that wouldn't be a problem. Since I've put them outside full time it's been 20-25C and sunny everyday. I've been trying not to over water them, never watering when the soil is damp. They're currently in Sphagnum peat moss, haven't added any nutrients. They're about 3 weeks old. Any idea what the problem is? Check out the pics.

Not sure if I should even bother getting my soil mixture/nutes if they aren't going to make it. It's not looking good right now. Maybe it's nutrient deficiency, but they're only 3 weeks old.



Well-Known Member
it does look like they could use some food. but also even if the top of the soil is dry doesnt mean it all is. lift test is the way to go


they probably need some food man, r they 3 weeks from breaking soil, or from planting seed?

dont give up though, they could still be nursed back to life.


Active Member
Looks like a lot of damage has been done mate, but they might recover. I'm not familiar withSphagnum peat moss, but normally peat moss don't really contain or hold much nutrients. Temps of 14 is a bit low, but can be tolerated by some strains, I'm not familiar with your strain but being Iranian i would guess that they prefer higher temps. Plants at 3 weeks in peat moss i would say definitely needs nutes, but start at quarter strength the recommended dosage.


Well-Known Member
too cold,thats why they are limp like this. It looks like a strain that may like the warmer temps.make sure it stays around 25 day and night. Also my guess is its colder than 14 at night. Secondly ,start feeding them N as they are quite pale.