Help my leaves are dying on me!


Hi everyone..I have a 10 week old plant that's been put on 12/12 for the past 10 days. I'm using Miracle Gro with continuous-release. A couple of days ago the tips of my fan leaves at the bottom row had turned light brown and yellow. Today was a total disaster, they got way worse. They felt crispy. I didn't pluck them out or anything. Here are some pictures.

sideview.jpgsideview1.jpgsideview2.jpgzoomed out.jpg

Will someone please tell me what i'm doing wrong?!


Well-Known Member
you used hot soil, and allowed them to become root bound. go back to into "cooler" soil. keep root ball intact tho. excess nutes will level out into cooler soil. veg on for a bit and then flower. my two cents


Well-Known Member
yea im gonna have to agree, kinda.

the soil is definately providing too many nutrients for the plant, and killing it. chances are ya went heavy with the miracle grow, especially being the continuous release version. i try to stay away from that stuff. even flushing it out with water will, en essence, raise the toxicity a bit before it starts to lower it.

replanting... yea probably a good idea. hard to tell with the odd pictures you took that dont show the entire plant in 1 pic, but from what i can see, the leaves are hanging off the side so why not.

if your gonna replant, dont flush yet. add cool (nutrient low) soil, add in the plant root ball (surrounded by hot soil) then water... til ya see runoff, then a little more. i might not go back to full veg, but id definatly add a few more hours of light to the schedule til it recuperates


Well-Known Member
do a good flush for now, then transplant to something organic, i say mix a bag of FF happy frog and light warrior.


Thanks everyone..appreciate the honesty.. but i dont have access to FF and any other kind of fancy shmancy weed growing soil.. :cry:

So i've ditched the Miracle Gro and all i could find was "Van Egmond" universal potting soil. vanegmondfront.jpgvanegmondback.jpg

I repotted that plant today with this 'plain dark brown colored soil'. I also watered it but not that much meaning it didn't drain out the bottom of the pot. I dont have any fertilizers nor do i have access to anything like that. :wall:
Once again ppl, any kind of advice would be just gravy.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I'd say yes for drainage but I don't know about the shock of two quick transplants. Maybe someone can chime in.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone..appreciate the honesty.. but i dont have access to FF and any other kind of fancy shmancy weed growing soil.. :cry:

So i've ditched the Miracle Gro and all i could find was "Van Egmond" universal potting soil. View attachment 2078176View attachment 2078177

I repotted that plant today with this 'plain dark brown colored soil'. I also watered it but not that much meaning it didn't drain out the bottom of the pot. I dont have any fertilizers nor do i have access to anything like that. :wall:
Once again ppl, any kind of advice would be just gravy.:peace:
anything thats not too hot for plants generally, mix it with compost or something natural. miracle gro has excess metal. bat guano is a great source for high P and K and theres some have high nitrogen as well, worm castings is also a great source of nitrogen.
and for drainage, coco, perlite and vermiculite are good.
Re-pot the plants. I Mix a heavy soil with a lighter one. If you don't have access to light soils then try to find some Vermiculite. Its very common to find at any seed, pet or garden store. Also mix your soil with at least 20% perlite.

Here's my ratio --- 40% Peat Soil / 40% Vermiculite / 20%perlite

Dolomite Lime is crucial. Get it at any garden shop. 1 tbsp per gallon of soil. Peat Soil is Acidic and can cause PH issues. Dolomite Lime balances your soils PH.


The root ball of the plant is already mixed with miracle grow soil which already contains perlite.. It was a 3.5 gallon pot and now its in 7 gallon pot filled with van egmond universal potting soil..


Well-Known Member
Im in a totally "uncool" area of the country, any don't have access to "fancy schmancy" nutes and potting soil either, you just haveta get away from that MiracleDeath stuff, and go with what you have available, like worm castings, and any guanos, and all the things we add into our plain-jane soil to make it a rich, but not ultra hot mix... Like PERLITE, dolomite lime, greensand, rock phosphate, and other things that nearly all nurseries DO carry that are totally awesome for using in the cultivation of mj... And add in special p-rich guano-teas and things when you want to feed during flowering... But, if u flush, and transplant into some weaker medium, you will be just fine... Ya gotta ease them into different mediums, and not just throw them into the frying pan, so to speak... But, on the bright side for you, they arent burnt that bad... Ive seen alot worse, and usually when I have, theyve used some sort of MiracleDeath crap... Just my take... Fuck MiracleGro... Their soil does not have enough perlite in it anyways... Mix your own bro...


Well-Known Member
Im in a totally "uncool" area of the country, any don't have access to "fancy schmancy" nutes and potting soil either, you just haveta get away from that MiracleDeath stuff, and go with what you have available, like worm castings, and any guanos, and all the things we add into our plain-jane soil to make it a rich, but not ultra hot mix... Like PERLITE, dolomite lime, greensand, rock phosphate, and other things that nearly all nurseries DO carry that are totally awesome for using in the cultivation of mj... And add in special p-rich guano-teas and things when you want to feed during flowering... But, if u flush, and transplant into some weaker medium, you will be just fine... Ya gotta ease them into different mediums, and not just throw them into the frying pan, so to speak... But, on the bright side for you, they arent burnt that bad... Ive seen alot worse, and usually when I have, theyve used some sort of MiracleDeath crap... Just my take... Fuck MiracleGro... Their soil does not have enough perlite in it anyways... Mix your own bro...
agree with every last word +rep


ok i think thats the best reply i've read so far! seriously, thanks alot champ! i gotta hit the flower shop and all get all that guano, perlite, bat poo, and whatever else you wrote above, shit i gotta right this stuff down..

I'm just starting to see the white hairs come out from my plant these past 6-7 days, and all this wiothout nutes! so since it appears to have entered the pre-flowering/flowering stage, maybe ill add a pinch+ every other watering.. My results will either make me proceed or stick to not using them, i dunno, we'll just wait and see!

Thanks people :clap: