HELP!!!! my plants are completely yellow 6ft.


Hi all, been following for a while but now need help.
Ok I've had em goin for 2 months there's 6 in total and I've flucked. 6 femme. fatals. lol so we had a week of rain then 3 nice hots. I went out beautiful starting to tip out went home then bang 2 more weeks of extensive aggressive rain I went back today and they're yellow like completely I've never seen anything like it some tips are still green but its rest is a banana color any advice????


Active Member
Nobody can correctly answer your question with the info you've given. You can read anywhere on the internet and what you said is clearly a nitrogen deficiency. However, how could anybody be sure without knowing all of your conditions, no pictures..

Better off just looking at the stickies than asking a question with no information supplied.

hope full

Active Member
Well sounds to me like your soil got flushed like a mofo and now its lacking nuets, what nuets is it lacking? I cant tell you that answer but id just hit them with a nice dose of all of them, see how that helps


Well-Known Member
growing outdoors in the ground is basically cant overfeed, cant over water, unlikely to have imbalances or ph problems, and even salt buildups if using chem nutes..what i like to do is bury up my stems with a mix of dirt and blood/bone meal and worm castings straight up the main stalk to the bottom branch...this will leach nutes into the dirt even when there has been alot of rain, i do this on top of a normal organic feeding and redo this as often as it is possible due to soil packing or need to feed them most likely 99 percent sure but ya pics would make it 100


Tried to post pics can't I am on phone though ill try at home., put own soil down mix of 5in1 handful lime built up a few inches I thought N def but their in flower N shouldn't b a prob should it? Ill try photos again.


must just b the sgs2 :(
as you can see this is just b4 turning a few have but now its almost
100 percent i didnt take the phone out today and its a bitch to get back so its the best i can do.


Well-Known Member
yep looks like you need some N. MJ needs N throughout its life cycle. Keep the leaves alive for photosynthesis. If they are all already yellow you are pretty much SOL if you are past the first couple weeks of flower they dont produce anymore leaves. If not just feed whatever your preference high in N


cool thanks its only the 1 plot so.... but damn its supposed to be summer and weve had 6days sun in 4-5 weeks.
nothin worse than battlen the elements.
i tryed to upload 3 pics of last harv. took almost an hour to upload then told me to re logg in so i had to start again, is there a quick drag n drop upload technique???


Active Member
cool thanks its only the 1 plot so.... but damn its supposed to be summer and weve had 6days sun in 4-5 weeks.
nothin worse than battlen the elements.
i tryed to upload 3 pics of last harv. took almost an hour to upload then told me to re logg in so i had to start again, is there a quick drag n drop upload technique???
upload the pics to

get the url from that pic and then hit this button

And put your image there.


Well-Known Member
Are the sick ones a different strain.? Sounds like they are fucked bro and will be dead in a week, they are not taking up K for some reason and in turn getting every disease under the sun. This happened to me last year and i put it down to the strain and it is devastating bro. Also the biggest plants are worst affected, correct? And it sound slike your in east coast oz, no it wasnt the weather ,its been perfect.


Well-Known Member
they are not that bad atall, just give some nutes, like all the rest said, she'll take up some more nitrogen and finish flowering, your yield will be down for sure, but no good comes fro quitting!


Are the sick ones a different strain.? Sounds like they are fucked bro and will be dead in a week, they are not taking up K for some reason and in turn getting every disease under the sun. This happened to me last year and i put it down to the strain and it is devastating bro. Also the biggest plants are worst affected, correct? And it sound slike your in east coast oz, no it wasnt the weather ,its been perfect.
yep east oz but weve had torrential rain on & off for the past month.
yep the big 1's are worse but i think theyre all the same strain.
any1 know what causes N lockout and if its common.

so i went back out today first time itd subsided been a week or so & damn they looked bad so i gave them some high N fert and some P/K..... so now i guess its just wait and see.
should i pull the 2 yellows to try and save the rest?or just pull off all yellow leaves and hope it puts everything into its bud leafs?




Shit dbl post time....
Forgot to ask my Q's.....

Q: Do yellow leaves distribute anything to the plant?

Q: Will yellow leaves revert back to green once cured of def's?

Q: Should i use my CTF on them? (canna terra flores)
or stick with high N fert as theyre budding.

Thanks again fellas.


Active Member
Think of the sun/water leaves as the powerhouses - with most of them gone, your yield will be reduced. It is natural, but only when fully ripe -where the leaves are being drained of nutrients in the plant's last effort to bud before it dies.

A few of the top leaves will if it is nitrogen deficiency - the bottom ones are making like a tree and leaving.

Play it by ear. Wait it out.

Make sure you don't have leaf spot disease.


Well-Known Member
Shit dbl post time....
Forgot to ask my Q's.....

Q: Do yellow leaves distribute anything to the plant?

Q: Will yellow leaves revert back to green once cured of def's?

Q: Should i use my CTF on them? (canna terra flores)
or stick with high N fert as theyre budding.

Thanks again fellas.
Really think u need to study more b4 u start growing but I will answer anyway.

1. No

2. No, does a tree do this?

3. Keep monitoring and if they continue to lose leaves keep giving N