help: my plants are growing seeds!!!


Active Member
I damaged one of my plants and now it has hermied on me and polinated my other plant. I cut a random bud open in my plant and boom little baby seeds inside!!! No matter where I look its covered in seeds like 100% of the bud is seeds

My question is, my plant is at 6weeks of flower and are looking like they'll be done in 2 weeks, should I cut it now? Or should I let the seeds develop for another 2 weeks? Will 2 week old seeds be noticeable to smoke? Like will I have to remove them?

I'm really worried as I was relying on these plants to help me with my anxiety as this strain has done in the past. Getting anxious about the idea I fucked them :(

Plants are outdoors but side by side


Well-Known Member
Let them finish and pick out ripe seeds.
Much easier than smoking little immature ones.
Taking it early in theory will
be more prone to causing anxiety


Well-Known Member
Wait for them to finish, and pick the seeds out of the buds when you break them up to smoke.
Its not that big of a deal, we all have had to pick out seeds at one point.
I would not advise trying to grow the seeds, though. The hermaphrodite trait is likely to be passed on to the next generation.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply guys! Im just worried because its through the whole plant. Is there an easy way to tell when a plant has hermied from inside the bud. It took me a good few hours with a magnify glass to spot some, from the naked eye it just looks like a flower without the 2 white hairs.

so bin all the seeds you say? Im going with autos next so not fussed about keeping this strain


Well-Known Member

  • "Is there an easy way to tell when a plant has hermied"​

YES. Hermies have pollen sacs AND buds.
I'm sure you can find photos if you looked around a bit.