help my plants hermied


I had 12 females that were growing good and now pretty much all of them are growing seeds. They are almost 6 weeks into flowering. The only thing i can think of that caused it would be 3 weeks ago about 6 hours after lights went out(im on 12/12 schedule) my dog got into the room and started munching on the leaves and knocked a couple over so i had to turn on the lights to fix it all and figured fuck it and left them on so they lost 6 hours of light and that was my new schedule for the 12/12. Also my temps have dropped way low in the past month and its been i guarantee mid 40's - low 50's when lights are off. didnt really have the money for a heater untill couple days ago i got one.

Now my real question. I am not too worried about the plants that are flowering because its my first grow and they were just some mid seeds that i just wanted to play around with until my good seeds came in. They are feminized seeds and are about a month old. I have put them in the flowering room for the last 2 weeks but i am concerned about the pollen from the flowering plants will affect my others in veg? I have put them back in the veg room, what should i do?


Well-Known Member
As a shame of the biz, that we still get them and always will until some smart guy can work the gene pool and some engineering time to start again in time for spring


Well-Known Member
Hey Tbrad413,

Do you know what strain these mids came from?

If it was from a seedy crop, the plant may have already had this genetic predisposition.

I had a lot of problems with Dutch Passion's Blueberry being prone to hermaphrodite (Note: I think b/c Blueberry likes light nutrients, while my other plants love nutes--not b/c of Dutch Passion. PLease know I have had great success w/ their other genetics, Mazar & Dutch Cheese, e.g.).

Either way, I had them herm on me twice and pollinate my crop. I kept the seeds and knew them to be female (and an inward cross of Blueberry). When I went to grow these seeds again, I had the same problem. At this time I still hadn't learned about Blueberry's finicky eating habits. I still have those seeds somewhere, but am scared to grow them b/c their tendency to herm under my growing conditions.

Also, feminized seeds run the risk of being pushed back to their potential of being monoescious--plants that self-polinate. 90% of the plant kingdom self-polinated and sexual separation is understood to have happened later in plant evolution.

Anyhow, there could be other things wrong, but you may simply have a strain that needs a little more tender care or has a predisposition to herm.


As a shame of the biz, that we still get them and always will until some smart guy can work the gene pool and some engineering time to start again in time for spring
thats what i have started, i had the vegging plants in with the flowering ones, will the pollen affect the vegging plants?

Hey Tbrad413,

Do you know what strain these mids came from?

If it was from a seedy crop, the plant may have already had this genetic predisposition.

I had a lot of problems with Dutch Passion's Blueberry being prone to hermaphrodite (Note: I think b/c Blueberry likes light nutrients, while my other plants love nutes--not b/c of Dutch Passion. PLease know I have had great success w/ their other genetics, Mazar & Dutch Cheese, e.g.).

Either way, I had them herm on me twice and pollinate my crop. I kept the seeds and knew them to be female (and an inward cross of Blueberry). When I went to grow these seeds again, I had the same problem. At this time I still hadn't learned about Blueberry's finicky eating habits. I still have those seeds somewhere, but am scared to grow them b/c their tendency to herm under my growing conditions.

Also, feminized seeds run the risk of being pushed back to their potential of being monoescious--plants that self-polinate. 90% of the plant kingdom self-polinated and sexual separation is understood to have happened later in plant evolution.

Anyhow, there could be other things wrong, but you may simply have a strain that needs a little more tender care or has a predisposition to herm.
I had a bunch of seeds that were in a bag from a while ago i really can not tell what strain they were from