help my seeds


Active Member
hey i got some seeds from a buddy and they were pretty old and so far wont germ or sprout. they are hard but i can still bust with finger with substance inside. lots of dark vienie ones are these good? can get pic if needed.


Well-Known Member
are they brittle...are they damaged or cracked...

how old is're making it sound like they are ancient...

only one way to find out if they'll germinate...

moist papertowel...not SOAKED...between two paper plates... place it in a plastic bag and leave it in a dark warm area.... like wrap in in a sweater and leave it near a radiator, not on the radiator...or close to the boiler room...


Active Member
well i have only done the warm water in a shot glass kept in a dark warm place if the new ones im tryin dont work im gonna do the paper towel what do you find to be the best? there probaly like a year maybe two old it takes a little force to break them not a ton though and as crack or defaults no they look solid.


Well-Known Member
i can't say whats the best technique for germinating...everyone has their ways...but for me, i only have used the paper towel method.. and i always get them to crack unless the seed was immature or damaged... if they were stored properly, don't think the 2 years would hurt them, but you never know... only one way to find out..


Well-Known Member
Paper towel or in the soil. Are you gentle? Then try the towel, and keep it warm & moist but -not hot or soaked. If not... put them directly in the soil, the strong ones will certainly find the light if you let them.


Well-Known Member
Paper towel or in the soil. Are you gentle? Then try the towel
ha...thats a funny question... i've noticed some people say they always messed up the taproots, and i never understood that one...ha...pick it up by the shell and not the taproot and it should be a good transplant...ha...clumsy mother--------


Active Member
ya i know i just had like 30 of these and like 15 i thought might be good i might try the paper towel i have 4 in soil after soakin in water for 4 days and now in soil for 2 and no sprout like 10 more germing right now on there 2 day so hope those wil be good tomorow as my last seed only took like 50 some hours to germ and that was a bomb lemon pez bag seed


Active Member
i wish i had more only had one lemon pez seed and it germed and srpouted awesome these i have now blow im gonna try and get my hands on more seeds.


Well-Known Member
The seeds in my currewnt grow were 2 years almost, all 10 germed, lost 2 due to my fuck up. They have germed seed that have been stored properly for 50 years... Granted, likelyhood of problems goes way up after a few years... Shelf live is measure, if 50% or less of the seeds germ, then they are bad seeds...


Active Member
just had the first one sprout after germing in a glass of warm water in the dark for 4 days then in soil for 3 and just now sprouted but the seed is still on it is that a big deal and it sprouted YAAAA there alive so the other ones should sprout in the morning will let you knoe thanks.


Well-Known Member
These are what my seeds usually look like light brown w/ stripes.
Srry for the shadow in the pics. I didn't have proper lighting :(



Well-Known Member
Those were all NL (Northern Light) seeds :)

EDIT: Sorry no those were a mix of free seeds sent to me from AMS*


Active Member
ya those are what my look like and the first one sprout today im so happy and some of the ones i have germing right now are actually gonna have a tap root. i guess 1 or 2 year old seeds are still good thanks for all the help i was getting frustrated. check my pic album and tell me what you think of my week old babie of lemon pez got like 3 pics.