Help My Veggie Garden Thrive!!!


I have just started a little indoor garden :) and have no idea what I am doing. But here is the line up.

10x Cucumbers (Aero Spray System)
6x Tomatoes (Soil)
4x Watermelons (Soil)
9x Carrots (Soil)
6x Bell Pepper (Soil)

I have a few questions

1) I tried researching and failed miserably at trying to find which ratios of N-P-K and the other 13 elements worked best for each of these plants. I know tomatoes thrive off the same ratios as cannabis. But what about the watermelon and so on?

2) My soil mix is some suped up potting soil mix with perlite at about 15% verm 10% 20% black kow compost and the rest is the potting soil mix. I have fox farm nutes for soil. I also have beneficial bacteria, gh 3 part, sweet by botanicare and gh kool bloom. Is this a good mix and nutrient line for the veggies?

3) I know the ph levels vary from plant to plant temp. season, i threw away my seed packs like a moron anyone know what light cycles I should use? 18/6 and 12/12 or...

Any other advice will help a bunch I can take pics of my set up if needed. Thanks!


i would try a balanced n-p-k ratio like 10-10-10 for ferts & as far as light goes i don't think any of those plants are photo-sensitive so i would just try to mimic however many hours of light there are in a day in the summer


Is 10-10-10 an estimate? And with the lighting the 12/12 should trigger the fruiting/bud cycle? I have only grown tomatoes and their much prettier cousin so I am at a loss with this stuff. Sorry for all the duh questions. Do certain soils do better for certain veggies? Like airy soils or more compact if so which ones prefer which? If you don't want to type a big response for all this crap a link to an horticulture article would be perfect :)! ( As I cant find crap)


Active Member
You started watermelon in a little garden? Carots you have to be careful with nitrogen, theyll get hairy multiple roots. Watermelon careful with N also, and dont overwater.


Thanks guys. Yea I am dedicated to getting these 2 watermelons to work. I am in a tent so I was thinking a small hemp hammoc to hold the melons up or if i am lucky they will vine to the ground before they put off any melon (which i doubt will happen) I orig. had them in a big flat tub bed drilled holes in the bottem for drainage and used the lid as a drain tray. But I moved that out and am using 5gal buckets in its place.

Ty for all the advice :clap:. I thought Nitrogen helped promote leaf and overall vegetative growth P and K are more responsible for the actual veggies and roots right? I have been reading up a bunch on this stuff found the recommended pH and PPM for everything. Anyway today I found a fungus gnat infestation needless to say I started a full scare war between gnats and lady bugs in my home :shock: let the battle commence! Lol I guess recycling my dead foliage wasn't the brightest thing in the world. The cucumbers are doing amazing they have put out 2 new sets of leafs since I started this thread :). Everything else is still tiny but sprouts are everywhere. Here are some pictures :fire:!

Well I have the pics on my comp. but RIU is not accepting any of my pics. Just giving me an ! with a red circle around it and no explanation.


I can't believe that you're growing vining vegetables indoors! Cucs, mellons! Dude, you're nuts.

I had a fungus gnat problem this winter when i stated my seedlings. Neem oil and yellow sticky cards work wonders.


Lol... I suppose it is a wee bit nuts, but I am going to school for a degree eventually a phd in botany with a minor in either engineering or horticulture. So in other words I thoroughly enjoying growing pretty much anything. None the less here are some pics from a week ago and the set up now.

Anyone else getting uploading problems?????????

This sucks, its giving me a ! with a red filled in circle over it.

Well if I cant post pics I can at least give an update on the progress. The cucumbers have about 4 leafs and are putting out a new leaf every day. PPM is around 250-300. pH is at about 5.7-6.0. Still small. I re planted 4 tomato seedlings into a 5 gal bucket of good soil. 55% soil 25%Perlite, 20%verm, .5 .4 .3 npk. no nutrients yet except the .5 .4 .3. Needless to say they are doing well pH is unknown i water it with 6.0 tap water. I started a bunch of peppers sweet, bell, and jalapenos. Same as the tomato soil. Carrots are getting the same soil as well as the watermelon. I have a new line up now since I have rearranged. But the carrots and water melon are getting 6.0 water as well the peppers and tomato plants will be getting a little more acidic water if needed but we will see.

Oh I have also been giving everything a little extra magnesium and sulfur as well as superthrive :).

New Line Up

2x Watermelon probably going to have to make them square melons I think :lol:
3x Sweet Peppers
3x Jalapeno Peppers
4x Tomato Plants
9x Good Cucumbers plant
1x almost dead cucumber plant dang sprayer wasn't hitting the roots moved it to a better port and fixed the problem on the old port.

The ladies bugs are doing an awesome job of cleaning up the fungus gnats. :) lucky I caught them so soon :blsmoke:.

Anyway I hope this upload problem gets fixed I have no clue what it could be. Pictures are def. the right size.


I have decided on growing square watermelons, going to home depot within this month to build my Plexiglas melon box's :). I think I am going to have pics up very soon been working on fixing the comp :) so hopefully a pic update in the next few days!