Help!!!! My whole root ball broke off!!!

had algae so i was giving my plant the h2o2 dunk and the whole root ball broke off!!!!! theres about 8 inchs of the tap root and some thinner ones still remain. i repotted in a hempy bucket and gave it str8 water and gonna add some superthrive in a minute.. shoud i wait it out or just cut clones now.. im also 4 weeks into flowering :-(


Well-Known Member
I would flip it back over to veg and trim about 10% of the plant off each day for about 5 days. Your tap room and depending on how much thinner ones you have, wont be enough to support a big plant. Don't take more than 10% off your plant at a time or you'll cause a lot of stress.


Well-Known Member
That sucks.... bam gives pretty sound advice.4 weeks into flowering there is probably not much a chance clones to will take, Got any pics?


Active Member
I wouldnt trim anything off if the cells are healthy in the leaves than they are making is gonna shock doesnt matter what you give it ...its gonna shock it will lock out for a week at least advice.......put it back and pray


Well-Known Member
i would say spray it with water to keep it moist since less roots means less water intake and more leaves = more water loss?


Well-Known Member
Do you have any willow tree's near your house? If you do, your in luck. Grab some of the new green growth off of it, cut it up in to small pieces, put it in a mason jar and pour enough boiling hot water into the jar to cover the vegetation. Put the lid on and put it in your fridge. The next day strain out the plant material and put the water back in the jar. This stuff is great for repairing and stimulating root growth because it's the same stuff that's in the cloning powders and gel's. Don't use it in this straight concentrated form. Dilute it like 1:25. You could always add a little cloning powder to your water, but I am not sure how well that would work since they add other hormones into the cloning stuff.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
XIFF data, and embedded GPS coordinates, along with the ESN of the phone, and cellular account holder info.

kush groove

Active Member
everything we do is need to be paranoid
all calls, texts and any other form of digital communication is stored
your cell phone is always on record
all cable companies keep a record of tv shows and movies you watch and sell that info
facebook and plenty of other websites sell all your info
every website you visit every youtube video every everything
all this info is input into a supercomputer with some fancy algorithm and used to predict the future

trust me a few mj plants aint nothing when there is no privacy

i remember back in the day when people were afraid of having gps becuase they didnt wanna be tracked.....10 years later and everyone is in love with google maps and foursqare.....what a strange world we live in

but on another note, i hope your plant lives
yea me too.. she yellowing fast.. i just took 5 clones.. i bet i can get them to root too. might take 2 weeks but better late then never. damn this sucks cu she was growing sweet.. like 14 tops in a canopy :cry:


Well-Known Member
like I said, switch it back to Vegging and trim it up or the plants just gonna die. There isn't a big enough root system left to support the plant. That yellowing your seeing is because of the shock and the lack of nutrition that plant is getting. It's trying spread out what nutrients it can absorb through the whole plant, which makes the whole plant suffer.

Get some willow water if you can make some or know someone who can get a hold of some willow tree branches.

The clones might take, it really is hard to say since they endured so much shock and the lack of being full of nutrients is going to slow down the process a lot. Hope it all goes good.
well the plants looks like its on its last leg.. switched to veg and been watering with rooting powder but it doesnt disolve to well.. no willows around here so thats not an option.. im going to pick up some rhizatonic tomorrow and see thatll make a difference.. good news is that all 5 clones took... in about 2 or 3 days the roots'll show through the rock wool so i know ive got 5 females comin up so it wasnt all for nothing. think i could just make the original plant a mother if she survives?