HELP! Need to pass a drug test!

heck with as much weed as is growing in Colorado right now I would imagine just about everybody would test positive from contact lmao.
Yeah she is.

DOnt ask how I know

Lol gotta love the humor but no she isn't in fact she's very close to not being able to get pregnant. So with that said can i collect a sample from her right before the test and use handwarmers to maintain the temperature?
You can go to wal mart or a wal greens and get empty travel bottles...they are around 3 FL OZ I think...get a hand warmer and a strong rubber get a temp strip too
Get a rubber glove have her piss in it and hide a pin in your clothes so you can poke a hole in the glove. You want to tape the glove to the inside of your underwear so it stays body temp. IMO that's the only way your going to pass.
If you do have such a low body fat measurement you can clean up in a couple weeks. I get tested all the time, but luckily all the testing facilities around here are difficult to get into in a week. So, I generally have a couple weeks to clean up. I have a supply of test I quit and after a week I start testing every other day until clean. Usually right around 2 weeks. Being 240lbs of twisted steel and sex appeal with very little fat is key. Fattys take sometimes more than a month. One test out of probably a dozen in the last decade had me still dirty so faked a car problem and rescheduled... Something you should consider... You know...after you get over the willpower problem.
Get a rubber glove have her piss in it and hide a pin in your clothes so you can poke a hole in the glove. You want to tape the glove to the inside of your underwear so it stays body temp. IMO that's the only way your going to pass.

I laughed hard!