Help need

Hi guys it’s my first grow and need help on when to start the flush am on day 50 of a 60 day strain the trichcomes are still all glassy am just wonder when they will turn milky or so I need to start feeding them
Plain water for that to happen any helps much appreciate



Well-Known Member
I wouldn't trust the "60 day" estimate - plants are living things and prone to variation.

You don't need to do anything to get the trichomes to ripen, just give them time. What strain are you growing? Do you have a way to take a magnified picture of the trichomes?

(FYI I'm growing 3 different "60 day strains" right now. On day 61 and I'd still say at least another week to ripen on mine.
Thanks for the reply. Pineapple chunks, I do have a microscope but everything is still glassy I gave her a feed today with nuets day 50 but was worried I was maybe supposed to be flushing 14 days before day 60. It’s all a bit confusing first time round so give her another week?


Well-Known Member
Looks like you're doing a soil grow? What nutrients?

With decent soil I expect my girls to get the majority of their nutrients from that. I only supplemental feed through the end of week 7 flower (about where you're at) and let the plants get their own food for the rest of the duration.

You'll see the leaves turning yellow and starting to shrivel up most likely before it's done- that's natural. Towards the end of the grow the plant will pull nutrients from the leaves like one last kamikaze attempt to produce seeds at all costs.

I'd just give it water and let it go until the end ;-) Just don't do what I did my first run and harvest on day 60 thinking those estimates on the package were dead on!


Well-Known Member
Just for a frame of reference, here is one of my recent trich shots (yesterday). It's getting pretty milky but I'd still say about a week. I'm hoping for 10-20% amber0823WeddingCakeFL.png
Yes am using soil and bio bizz bloom and top max fed her 1m/l of bloom 4m/l top max this morning should I only be feeding them water at this point?


Well-Known Member
Day 50 on a strain with a "60 day" estimate is about where I'd cut off the nutes personally. Everyone has their own opinion...since you're just doing supplemental top feed you could extend it a bit if you want. I'm happy when I see my girls look like they're dying right before harvest...means I didn't give them too many nutes/smoke will be clean and smooth. 8-)

I'd get you a picture of exactly what I mean but my girls are on the night cycle. You can kind of see it in the leaf tips in this wide angle shot (especially on the purple plants).


Cheers for help, there Looking good dude il make that her last feed and flush wil just plain water Til I see her cream up hopefully it don’t take 3 weeks cuz I think she gonna seed up


Well-Known Member
Cheers for help, there Looking good dude il make that her last feed and flush wil just plain water Til I see her cream up hopefully it don’t take 3 weeks cuz I think she gonna seed up
Do you have male plants in there? Without male plants you don't have to worry about fully formed seeds...

If it's a time crunch issue and you HAVE to harvest you could always lengthen your dark cycle by an extra hour or two... triggers the plants to think that "Winter Is Coming" and that they should finish up quick AF.

The problem is this does lower final yield/quality compared to letting them go at their own pace.


Well-Known Member
So you probably already know this but if you introduce only female plants and watch out for any with "hermie" qualities (female plants with male pollen sacks) you don't really need to worry about seeds. In the absence of pollen the buds get bigger and bigger as the female plant prepares to make seeds but without any pollen it never can ;-)
No males. One bud looks like it has a seed in it but it doesn’t if I feed it plain water for the next two week she will cream up right? or should I fed it nutrients til she starts creaming up then plain water?


Well-Known Member
No males. One bud looks like it has a seed in it but it doesn’t if I feed it plain water for the next two week she will cream up right? or should I fed it nutrients til she starts creaming up then plain water?
In soil I do plain water for the last 2-3 weeks, but my soil is SUPER rich and doesn't need much feeding in the first place (FFOF & Biochar & Worm Castings from my vermicompost)....

You'll get these tiny half formed seed things now and then, does it look like it's filling in/maturing or is it like a tiny whiteish circle?
Am using bio bizz all mix yeah I gave it a squeeze no seed I’d say she close to getting milky so I went a head and flushed her but am no think I should have left it another week then flushed


Well-Known Member
It's all about fine tuning and you'll find out every strain is slightly different.... that's why a lot of the serious growers get to know a few strains VERY well
Thanks for the help il keep you updated. after I flushed her today I got batteries for my scope and some are milky but the majority are still clear so il keep flushing till they all change to milky.