Help Needed! Are these seedlings dead?


So i started off 2 seeds under a 1000 watt light and yes i realize that was a big mistake...there about 3 weeks old tomorow, and there both only two inches tall, there leaves have black spots and are all twisted and what not, they also feel very dry to the point where you can crumble the leaves between your fingers when rubbed together. there still sticking up though with strong stems.

I jus recently ( 2 - 3 days ago ) put them under CFL lights, do you think they will still survive? or are they dead, heres a pic.



Well-Known Member
they will likely survive, but honestly how well do u think these 3 wk old stunted things r going to produce? So honestly I would scrap them & try again. U don't even know if after they come back if it will all be for naught, because u could have stunted sickly males! Do urself a favor & get some more going :)


and btw im going to be using them as mother i wont be producing anything from it, but would they be good mother plants from all this stress it is going through right now? i would think they would because its is building a strong immune in a sense...


Well-Known Member
even fem seeds can turn hermie, sry even as mothers again, only me, I would scrap them. they r not going to do u justice i promise u.


lol fcknnn buzzkilllllllll

im goin to see how it goes in a week or so if it still looks retarded ill scrap em


Active Member
they will make it! what are they planted in? check your ph according to what they are planted in. for example coco needs a ph of lower 5's-5.8. if its soil how rich is it? you may need to transplant to something not so rich. if your adding nutes...stop at once. seedlings just need moist soil/medium, foliar feed(light), and a bit of humidity. heat around 75 - 80. light should be just enough to keep them from stretching. a fan keeps respiration a+, and makes the stems stronger. keep medium moist but not drenched.


Yes I have been keeping the soil moist, i have a fan blowing at all times, and I didnt get a ph metre till recently as well, so i suspect the ph was pretty high since the leaves are twisting, but now i keep it at around 6.8....The soil i have is pro mix and i read that it actully contains no nutes at all...but I have everything under control now, temps r around 75 aswell.


Well-Known Member
Think of them like children, if you drop them on their heads they aren't going to win the Nobel prize. And as for clones, seeing as clones are, as the name indicates, the same plant but with a separate root system, if you want mother plants you want as strong (genetically and physically) plants as possible.
Also, if you can afford to run a 1k light then surely you can afford 1 more feminized seed.