Help Needed ASAP!


Well-Known Member
Hi all , ive been a lurker on here for a while but ive just hit my 1st major problem and need some advice !

I have 10 cuttings all rooted well in jiffys , they are currently in a propergator under 2 strip lights. 2 days ago they where growing fine , last night i got back from work and because of the weathor my whole house was like a furnace , i rushed upstairs and the cuttings looked dead , they had started to go a brownish color and the stems had gone really mushy , some of the plants had completly folded over... i dont have a clue how to save my babies ... are they doomed ?

Thanks for anyone who can help me
best you can do is keep the room as humid as possible - now's the time to throw in a humidifier if you have one laying around. but frankly, they're probably toast.
If you get them in some soil and back under a light they may come back to life.

***When you put them in soil remove the film off of the jiffy pellets carefully.
they have only been rooted about 2 - 3 days , i normally stick them in soild about a week after
It depends if they are root bound or not. They need water and nutrients to revive themselves which they don't get from the pellets.
There is an outside chance you can save them. Even so they will probaly be very stunted. Most likely toast. Chaulk it up to experience. Least you dont have months invested in them.
they are all rooted but only about 5mm , ill stick them in soil and pots straight away and keep you informed , thanks alot for your advice !!