Help Needed, Bangladesh Outdoor Grow.


Active Member
i am plannin 0n gr0wing in bangladesh, is a lil cOuntry east 0f india. we have a very wet may-Oct,very humid and rainy, fr0m Oct-april is very dry wid l0w humidity. i was thinking s0me kinda haze c0s they fl0wer late in n0v s0 mature buds will miss the rainy seas0n plant in feb and harves in n0v-dec. 0r maybe i sh0uld plant dem in Oct f0r a march-april harvest? PLS HELP??

ALS0 the s0il is really clay like, bangladesh, mOst 0f the cOuntry is basically a river estuary, river ganges and river brahmaputra's estuaries. s0il is clay like, river silt seems 2 have sand mixed inside aswell, it is very fertile and seems 2 h0ld a lOt 0f water. H0W CAN I GR0W CANNABIS IN tHIS S0IL?????? PLS CAN ANY1 HELP. SHALL I MIX CRushed bricks and sand 2 increase drainage? 0r will clay like sandy river silt gr0w cannabis plants withOut having 2 mix sand/small pieces 0f bricks in2 it.PLS IF ANY1 CAN HELP I WILL REALLY APPRECIAtE It:peace::joint:
Optimum marijuana flowering season in Bangladesh is from start of Oct to Feb end. You can plant your seedlings anytime in August. Indica dominant strains will finish in December while Sativa dominant ones will finish in Feb. Don't get more than 70% Sativa seeds. You can plant Indica dominant seeds up to October end expect crop by Feb end. If you have loyalties with some local potent seeded pot then you can expect it to be much more potent without seeds and easier to grow since it would be the most acclimatised to your climate..

For drainage make raised beds of
- height 9" to 12"
- breadth no more than 3' to provide for enough cross ventilation in the raised bed
- width - depending upon how many plants you want to plant

Make those heaps out of 20% clay, 20% river silt, 50% dry biomass and 10% of crushed bricks by volume with 25 grams wood ash per plant. Dry biomass is any dry plant material that has lost all its water and is crispy like dry hay or dried fallen leaves. Don't let the soil in the raised bed get too compact. After planting, cover the heap with a layer of dry biomass which absorbs excess water and brings air to the feeder roots. Keep adding more dry biomass to the top as the previous application decomposes. Always water 6" to 12" away from the canopy of the plant. There is lots of data on how you can add organic fertilizers to your water before watering. I personally just throw seeds on fertile lands as water logging is not an issue here where I stay.



Active Member
Optimum marijuana flowering season in Bangladesh is from start of Oct to Feb end. You can plant your seedlings anytime in August. Indica dominant strains will finish in December while Sativa dominant ones will finish in Feb. Don't get more than 70% Sativa seeds. You can plant Indica dominant seeds up to October end expect crop by Feb end. If you have loyalties with some local potent seeded pot then you can expect it to be much more potent without seeds and easier to grow since it would be the most acclimatised to your climate..

For drainage make raised beds of
- height 9" to 12"
- breadth no more than 3' to provide for enough cross ventilation in the raised bed
- width - depending upon how many plants you want to plant

Make those heaps out of 20% clay, 20% river silt, 50% dry biomass and 10% of crushed bricks by volume with 25 grams wood ash per plant. Dry biomass is any dry plant material that has lost all its water and is crispy like dry hay or dried fallen leaves. Don't let the soil in the raised bed get too compact. After planting, cover the heap with a layer of dry biomass which absorbs excess water and brings air to the feeder roots. Keep adding more dry biomass to the top as the previous application decomposes. Always water 6" to 12" away from the canopy of the plant. There is lots of data on how you can add organic fertilizers to your water before watering. I personally just throw seeds on fertile lands as water logging is not an issue here where I stay.

shall i mix all dis ''20% clay, 20% river silt, 50% dry biomass and 10% of crushed bricks by volume with 25 grams wood ash per plant'' and then put in heaps?? and is ''wood ash'' e.g the ash 4rm burned wood say from cooking?? also can i use this mix in big pots?? als0 shall i ch0p the hay/straw in small pieces or can i use big pieces 2 mix in?? thank you vry much:-P:leaf:peace man