Help needed - Light Green, Yellow Speckles and Brown. Plants Dying?

Hello all. I'm new to this. Have done about 4 in my time and yeilded approx 75oz from each but still class myself as an amatuer.

I have a bit of a problem.

I kept a number of cuttings in small pots for 2-3 weeks prior to potting in 15 ltr pots. The leaves started turning a light yellow colour. When I transferred them from a small pot into a big pot there were a lot of roots coming through which had grow up the sides.

They have now been potted for 2 weeks and the leaves are a light yellow and on every plant have speckles on and some of the leaves are curling up, turning brown and dying. I did a weak solution of nutrients to see if this would bring them round but they don’t seem to be getting any better.

Not really sure what it is. I didn’t know whether it was due to the roots becoming too big/wrapped up therefore not feeding or whether it was because I had given them feed therefore over fed them as there was already nutrients in the soil I had transferred into. Or whether it is some sort of deficency.
Any help/comments/advice would be greatly appreciated.

Hello all. I'm new to this. Have done about 4 in my time and yeilded approx 75oz from each but still class myself as an amatuer.

I have a bit of a problem.

I kept a number of cuttings in small pots for 2-3 weeks prior to potting in 15 ltr pots. The leaves started turning a light yellow colour. When I transferred them from a small pot into a big pot there were a lot of roots coming through which had grow up the sides.

They have now been potted for 2 weeks and the leaves are a light yellow and on every plant have speckles on and some of the leaves are curling up, turning brown and dying. I did a weak solution of nutrients to see if this would bring them round but they don’t seem to be getting any better.

Not really sure what it is. I didn’t know whether it was due to the roots becoming too big/wrapped up therefore not feeding or whether it was because I had given them feed therefore over fed them as there was already nutrients in the soil I had transferred into. Or whether it is some sort of deficency.
Any help/comments/advice would be greatly appreciated.


Post pict ASAP! It could be N deficency just the speckles dont fit in that category so....pict and youll get more feedback....
i've just tried e-mailing pics from my phone to e-mail but cant get them on!

The leaves are a light green and the speckles are yellow.

I'll try again with the pics. Every plant on nearly every leaf is the same - 30 in total and some worse than others.
Cant really see the yellow speckles on the leaves but trust me they are there! More pics to follow.
this is the last pic i have of them. What do you think? Just to recap. All plants have small yellow speckles on them are light green in colour and slowly but surely the leaves are turning brown, curling and dying.
Not really no, there growing but growing lighter and speckles coming through......... Stupidly thought it was mites so sprayed just incase. Now i think it may because i've grown them in small pots too long stopping the roots from having any space and now they are not taking up enough feed?
Since I cut my bonsai loose a couple weeks ago all of her old leaves have fallen off, but it gained about six inches of new growth and the lower branches have started growing since I gave her some root room. It would help to spray them a couple times a day if you can with ph balanced water. When I repotted her I placed a layer of gravel in the bottom of the pot for drainage then I cut 50/50 prefertilized potting soil with good earth that has good drainage. I watered her lots at first to get the roots stretched out. She is on regular waterings now still without any added ferts. Eventually I'm going to transfer her into a lava rock mother plant system. I've kept this plant small deliberately. It's my pet. So even if they've been stunted, if caught in time potplants can come back into fast growth under the correct conditions. I would transplant into proper pots with new soil. From what I inderstand you've already refreshed them in 15 litre pots so...
I was maybe gonna spray with a bit of nuts to get some back into them due to roots potentially not taking up. just didn't want to do that incase i had over fed them. just dont know whether its too much N or not enough! Thanks for the insight into how you'd do things though were on the same page. P