Help Needed, Plant issues. I think they might be dying if I dont help them.


Okay, so I have six plants in one gallon pots, they are going on 20 days old since sprout from seeds. 2 are very healthy, one is starting to show signs of something and 3 are deff showing signs of something. not sure the strain, they are all getting the same water (tap water but it sits out for 48 hours before watering plants) last week i started to test the soil it was at 7.5 and i started to use ph down and started to water the plants at 6.0.

i constantly rotate the plants in my grow space, it is 2x2x6, i am running two 150w hps lights about a 14 inches from the girls, with 6 27w cfls about 3 inches away, I have two fans to circulate air and the room temp stays about 78-83 degrees. night time it gets to about 65 degrees (im thinking switching my light cycle to be in the night so it stays warmer at night)

I havnt been using any nutes for the past week just trying to flush with clean water.

this first picture is of the healthy one, and the other healthy one looks just like this
s20 11.11.10.jpg

here are a few pictures of the ones with issues
s20.2 11.11.10.jpgs20.4 11.11.10.jpgs20.1 11.11.10.jpgs20.3 11.11.10.jpg

this last girl is a little bit older but it is getting very light green and turning yellow on most leaves, and the growth is stunted, i have one same age as this one and it is about 4 times the size and lush healthy green. same watering schedule, same water.
d23 11.11.10.jpgd23.1 11.11.10.jpgd23.2 11.11.10.jpg


looks like its nute def. what kind of nutes were you using and at what strength?
I am using fox farms big bloom and grow big up untill a week ago at regular strength on the bigger one, and half strength big bloom on the small ones. I too was thinking its nute deficiency but i think it might be due to a nute lockout?
something high in nitro like he said.
on the bottle you see x-y-z

you need something with high nitro and med/low of the other. keep the one you have for flowering. Also check your ph


yea im for real. im a new grower and just trying to learn, and was medicated, so sorry for the post it was a bit much


why donta ya flush the medium and start off slowly with diluted veg nutes - you really need to be careful with ferts at the beginning - i feed only once in veg