help needed please


Well-Known Member
Im just wondering what the best method is to germinate a seed? Also i would like yo know what compost i should be using?yes i could read other threads etc but its a pain to find specific things im looking for like this! Cheers guys 1 <3


soak the seed in a cup like 1/2 full of distilled water, and put it in a dark place til you see it crack open. this takes anywhere from 1 day to 4 or 5 days to happen. next, carefully drop it in a small 1/4" deep hole you make with a toothpick or whatever in your select pot with some soil. I have found usually any "organic potting mix" works well when mixed 50/50 with perlite or perlite/vermiculite. make sure not to flood the soil cause that little seed can only use so much water when its tiny. in like a week you should have your lil (hopefully) girl up and growing.
this has worked for me every time I've started from seed with usually a 100% success rate, however a like 30/70 female to male ratio. I've always had poor luck in the gene pool ;) that's why I stick to clones


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot guys! And cheechako this is why i choosr not to waste time looking for movies etc theres always people on here with a headfull of knowledge and it takes seconds for them to shair this...once again cheers


Well-Known Member
There are lots of people willing to share misinformation too. Not saying these guys did, although you got two different responses to "best germination method", so you still don't have a definitive answer.

I guess it is a waste of time to read books, watch videos, and learn. I'll leave you to whatever answers fall in your lap here. Good luck with your grow.


Well-Known Member
robbie,you don't put a tlb of h2o2 in the water & put clear plastic over top with slit in it?


Well-Known Member
reading is your friend help yourself do not make others do it especially for a question like that. just saying.
sure its easier to ask but then if fills the forums with the same blah blah blah.


no I leave it uncovered on the bottom shelf in my pantry, seeds usually crack in ~2 days, in the soil then under lights when I see leaves. seems like they take forever to grow, but that's just me being impatient lol

Papa Toke

Active Member
My Method:

Soak beans in glass of distilled water for no more then 24 hours, after this time most if not all good beans should have cracked open. Next get an airtight tuperware something for next step. Dampen a couple paper towels with distilled water (DAMP not sopping wet) place a layer on bottom of your tuperware dish. Place all your beans (Cracked open or not) on to the paper towel, and put another damp paper towel on top and snap your lid on. Put em in the cupboard above the fridge and out of direct light (I found this to be best spot as the fridge normally keeps that cupboard warmish~) Check on em in 24 hours and see how they are, but in about 2-3 days anything that will be good strong and useable should~ have germinated by now.



Well-Known Member
I put the seeds directly in starter mix in small pots, about 1/4" deep. I never saw any advantage to sprouting on a paper towel, just the chance to F up a delicate root radical. Put the pot directly under a grow light and the dark soil heats up. Warm moist soil, how can a paper towel beat that. Always up in 2-3 days, 4 tops.


In nature cannabis sprouts in:

a) rockwool cubes
b) paper towels
c) underwater
d) moist soil