help needed plz :)


HI all :) I need some help if possible. I have these two seedlings that don't seem to be doing to well, I cross checked them in my grow bible but can't be sure with what they match upto so thought I'd ask for some help from more experienced growers as this is only my second batch I'm trying to grow. The first plant I ever tried landed up in the same boat as these two seedling and soon died so thought I would need to act quick to save these before it happens again.
I'm growing them in a custom built cupboard, its 50cm deep, 110cm wide and 190cm high which I thought would be perfect for growing two plants in. I've got them in expanded clay pellets but started them off in seedling rockwool cubes. I use Ionic bloom soft water nutrients and feed them once a day with a half strength solution. I started feeding them two weeks ago, first week of official seedling growth was with a quarter strength solution, then went upto a half strength solution last week Saturday.
The cupboard has a extractor fan that kicks in when it reaches 24 degrees celius and the humidity levels range from 40% to 55%. I have another 20watt extractor fan inside the cupboard that just keeps blowing inside to keep the air moving about.
I'm using CFL grow lights, I have x2 40watt daylight bulbs directly above each plant and then x1 300watt dual spectrum bulb in the middle of the two plants.
The ph levels are always spot on, they range from 5.7ph to 6ph and since they have been in this setup, I have been flushing the pot with fresh water and making up a new solution.

Any advice would be very helpful :)



Active Member
Nutrients being fed too soon, perhaps...o_O...I'm a first time grower, myself. I'm sure someone with much more growing experience will come along and shed some info on your situation. My plants are about 7 weeks old, growing in soil and I'm barely going to start feeding them nutrients. They've been doing okay up until now without nutes, I have pics in my Albums...

Best wishes with your babies:leaf:


Active Member
start giving them straight ph'd water for a few days they should bounce back.....i wouldnt give em any nutes till they have a couple nodes. and when you do feed em at a quarter strength. then GRADUALLY work it up to full strength. in my opinion right now they are way to young for half strength.


Thanks for the help and advice.
In the book I studied a month before batch, it said to wait until the first true leaves to appear and then start feeding with a dialuted nute solution.
Would you recommend using ph'd tap water rather than still water purchased from the shops?
Also, should I start with a quarter strength solution and after every week build it up or should it take longer to build upto full strength?


Well-Known Member
seedlings have enough stored energy to last them the first two weeks. Feed them with plain water until the first 3 point leaf is well developed. then start with 1/4 nutrient solution and work your way up. You started nutes way too soon.


Active Member
Would you recommend using ph'd tap water rather than still water purchased from the shops?
I use tap water ph'd and do just fine...when they are seedings like that i leave the water out over night to let some of the chlorine and chloramine evaporate tho

Also, should I start with a quarter strength solution and after every week build it up or should it take longer to build upto full strength?
like jpockets said when they are that young they have enough stored energy for a couple weeks, for now - straight ph'd water they should bounce back wait a week or so...then quarter strength for a couple weeks then half strength and so on and so will be able to tell if they thrive from it or not. After a few weeks you should be qble to go full strength if they are doin good. They need time to get big enough and get use to the nutes.

Think about it, its like if you have never drank alcohol then going and getting a good single malt 12yo old scotch and expecting to be able to handle it with excellent results, you would need to work your way up with blended scotch first!:shock: