Help needed ... what have i done wrong


Active Member
Bulldog i think you are right, i used to feed every water but since i cut that in half they seem better, i've read more on here over last few days and i think i need to flush them, is it ok to flush with normal tap water and then 1/4 strength nutes at 6.5ph or is it best to ph the flushing water as well thats the only thing i haven't out found yet.


Active Member
Ur clones look fine, flush every 2 week, and the white crust is proabably salt build up u can just spray away with a waterbottle.


Active Member
The white is an overdose of perlite lol, but i figured it wont do any harm as it just makes the soil drain more easily :) I'm hoping these will do better with all the advise i've gotten from here.


Well-Known Member
it looks like u got a lot of long plants how far do u keep your lights cuz with all that space u cld have better foliage than that i wld think but nice looking room bro very sexy u shld get a ebb&flow for that room


Active Member
Lights are 600w hps and are kept approx 2 to 2 1/2 foot away, i've moved the small clones to another room with a 600w mh on them at 3 feet away cos they only young and made a shelf with 4 36w tubes above for making more clones. i'll post some pics of that tomorrow. The other rooms had a shuffle around with plants of a similar height grouped together and the lights adjusted to 2 feet and set on 12/12. should i switch to bloom straight away or continue the grow nutes and if so how long for? Its my 1st grow so i'm learning as i go but it seems to be going well or i've been extremely lucky lol


Well-Known Member
i start with mixing a lil bloom in when u switch to 12/12 in bout a couple weeks i start using more bloom than grow than eventually end up with all bloom fert by 8 to 10 weeks when u go straight to bloom u end up with nitrogen problems yellowing fan leafs are common but using a lil grow fert. shld help prevent that