Help needed with my new grow space



I am setting up a grow space in my closet and have some questions. I live in a mobile home and the closet I am goin to be using is attatched to my bedroom and is 4.5x4.5x7. The closet itself has no ventilation besides the crack under the door. The room the closet is in has a 6500 btu ac unit it and the room stays 65-68 year round. The closet usuallys stays within 2 degress of room temp. I was wanting to use HID lighting this time around since all i have done in the past is small grows in rubbermaid tubs with a few cfl bulbs. I was thinking of putting a smaller enclosure inside the closet itself and run a 250 or 400hps in there. I was wondering if the heat is just gonna kill me if i cant vent. The only thing i could think of is putting a vent in the closet door with fans?? I could also put a fan in the ceiling of the closet but not sure where that air will end up lol. Any help or ideas will be much appreciated. I have a few pics to give some idea of my space.



Active Member
Heat will be a issue with out some type of vent. At least from my exp. I had temps around 85-90 even with a 4" suppily from my central Ac. I bought a cheep bath vent, hung it with chains near the light, and ran a 4" out of the space. Temps are now 64-75.:peace:


Well-Known Member
No the heat will not kill you if you can't vent....But it might kill your plants! No seriously, you are going to have to vent that closet one way or the other. Even if heat is not a concern (and it sure will be) fresh air is very, very important. Almost everyone growing indoors with hps is battling heat issues. Its a very common problem.
My 1st grow was in a closet. I removed the door and hung a blanket instead. then I could pass duct into the closet without cutting holes in the closet door. I just passed it under the blanket. If you do something like that you wont have to put another enclosure inside the closet.
I recommend you do a "dry run". Put the HPS in there turn it on and monitor your temps. That will give you some idea how aggressive you will have to be with your intake and exhaust. Good luck!


Thanku very much for the advice

Ya I am goin to have to figure out some way to vent this properly without doin too much structural damage lol!

I am going to borrow a buddy's 400mh light and get some idea.


Well-Known Member
a 400 watter in a room like that will go over 110F easily, personally, i dont make a grow space unless i dont have a problem with making holes in the wall, and if your anything like me, i put several