HELP NEEDED with Watering Seedlings!!!! ADVICE PLEASE


Active Member
I am not new to this but it has been awhile I am germinating seeds in the paper towel method then i put them in a moist 66% peat moss and 33 % perlte mixture. I am new to this mix. How oftem should I water they are just coming through the top of the soil. Temp is 75-78, RH is around 60%. I am vegging under 3 26 watt CFL's and a 2' T8 tube. It just seems I am having a hard time getting them past this point. Any advice is appreciated thanks much ROI community.


Well-Known Member
you just want a healthy mix of both oxygen and water available to the roots. just keep them damp not soaked.


Well-Known Member
Yep, just keep them dampened for now. Seedlings do not use much water, but you do NOT want to try the "dry-soak" method in which you wait until the soil is dry before watering thoroughly; wait at least a week of healthy growth before doing that. At the same time, do not waterlog your babies -- again, moist, not soaked, just like what sens1 said. Show us pics!


Active Member
At this point your sprouts are developing their roots, slow veg growth is normal. They should be kicking in a week. Make sure your lights are like 2" away from them.