HElp Needed


Ok here is the problem. My leaves are yellowing. I thinks it is my watering. My qust is how much to water and how often. I added Nutes this dont seem to be helping. I am doing nutes every other day and watering everyday about 16oz of water. Is this to much? the yellowing started on a couple of the lower leaves and is now moving up. This is my first grow so please a little help is needed. My Ph seems fine i dont use tap water i use RO water.


Well-Known Member
Well let me try to give you some bad information.

Your watering too much sir by your post, and adding too much ferts. Which by fact, you KNEW it was wrong. And understand it is okay, and if damage hasnt went too far, we can try to correct the ailments.

GrowFaq, Noobcentral, whatever man.

Listen, dont water so much, the roots too wet will lead to funky syndrome. You need to let your plant take up water, yes, but you also have to let it dry as well.

Ferts. Dont overdo it. Start with small amounts, You need a small ass pinch, smaller than you think. Especially a young plant in life. A 1/4 TEASPOON at 3 weeks or so, a lil' dab'll do ya. Water with ferts, or nutes, every OTHER watering, or every 2nd or 3rd time you water not every single watering session. Follow the directions on the bottle, but add LESS than what is recommended I would say on almost anything.

First work with water only, then you may see the signs of a plant needing food. Instead of a plant needing correction.

Every room is different. I water every 3 to 4 days with straight up water from tap. I have an aquarium bubbler, and I let my water bubble for days before I use it. I see you like that RO stuff or whatever.

Let it dry out. I would say please dont try to fix with nutes, and ferts, but regain strength of plant by plain water at this point.

What we are trying to do at this point fix the soil. I believe you made your solution too strong, what we need to do is expel the garbage and return the soil to stable levels.

We have to predict whats going to happen in months, not days. We need to plan it out over time, and not everyday.

There are many different approaches to plants, my belief is water is the single most overlooked aspect of the grow itself to a new green thumb appleseed.

Temps, Lights, Lumens, Bulbs, Environment, Strains, Genetics, Soil, all this for nothing if we dont grasp the one single most important aspect of plant growth. Water.

Some keywords, PPM, EC, PH Level, Dissolved solids.


Ok here is the problem. My leaves are yellowing. I thinks it is my watering. My qust is how much to water and how often. I added Nutes this dont seem to be helping. I am doing nutes every other day and watering everyday about 16oz of water. Is this to much? the yellowing started on a couple of the lower leaves and is now moving up. This is my first grow so please a little help is needed. My Ph seems fine i dont use tap water i use RO water.
what are your temps with lights on? what nutes are you using? how old and big are they?
at a guess with the little info you have given i would say overwatering, but without more info hard to tell.


I was growing indoors with a 750 MH light. I am renovating my house so i moved it outdoors. It was doing well and for somereason in my head figured it was drying out faster so i better water more. Ok so i wont water for a cpl days and i will go to just water. I use RO cause i have like 3 salt water tanks in my house and i am always making RO for them so i just started using it. I hope she makes it. Thanks


Well-Known Member
We do want some dryness, some say stick your finger in to about the first knuckle, if it is dry.....water.

Your 750, and the distance to the plant, may be prematurely evaporating the water due to the heat, which you may think you need to hit it with more water.

Maybe if room temps are too high, maybe consider getting a lower watt bulb if you dont have many plants to veg.

I donno, Im a nub too man, just trying to not fill you with garbage.


Well-Known Member
How big are your plants? 16 oz seems like a lot to me, but it depends on the size of your plants and how old they are. is the soil dry every day when you water them? It shouldn't stay wet.


OK day 3 with out watering. Leaves still yellow but not as bad. Headed out to get a moisture tester. Will post what the mosisture level is later. Once again thanks to all who helped.


Ok got a moisture meter it ranges from 1-4. I have it at a 3 right now. I am keeping it in the plant so i can watch it. I went straight water to taday and will for the next watering. Will keep u all updated