help needed !!!


New Member
hi guys,
today i want to add nutrients to my plant its 23 days old now.
i am really a noob in this and need detailed help

i have a 20-20-20 nutrient that can be mixed with water.
i couldn't find any better one in the market as most are 10/40/10 or 5-30-30 so this one is the most reasonable
the instructions say for every 100 liter i shold add 200-300 grams each 10-12 days which means that for every gallon (3.78 liter ) i shoud add between 8 and 12 grams

if anyone can help me on how to do this exactly with details it would be really appreciated !

i have a ppm tds meter, and a ph meter
my distilled water is 0 ppm and 5.5 ph and i intend to use it


New Member
and guys another question ,
my cabinet doesnt seem to have any humidity , i bought a meter and its always between 35% and 30% plus today it also went down , how can i raise humidity efficiently ????? my temp is excellet always between 67 and 73


Well-Known Member
Throw a wet towel in the cab or shallow pan with water in it on the floor to get the humidity up. Mine tends to hover around 40% RH and the plants like that. 30-40% is not bad.

If it's 8-12 grams start out at 1/4 dose and feed every third watering. You can adjust after you see how the plants respond by bumping up the dose and frequency.

Many growers use the balanced ratio 20-20-20 to harvest without issues. I have some Jack's Classic that has that ratio and the plants love it.


New Member
thanks for the replys , buds i know how to change them ;) , what i meant is that how to do the whole thing ,

prosperian when you say 1/4 dose you mean 3 grams to the same amount of water ( to use once every third watering) ??
and whats the role of the Ppm meter here , i mean i have read a lot but i dont know how actually in reality it works , how can i use it with my nutes


Well-Known Member
Depends on what you are growing in. Soil growers use grow and bloom food or like me, have everything in the soil from day one and I just water to harvest.

The manufacturers have suggested feed schedules of every watering, once every other, or third watering. Try the vendor's website for specific info.

Hyrdo growers use ppm meters to make sure the solution is at the right level for the system. I guess you can use the meter for water ph too, I do not own a ppm meter.

Most feed schedules are a little strong for mj especially coming out of the seedling stage. Because the plants are delicate, we don't want to shock them with too much food to quickly, that stunts their growth. 1/4 dose is the accepted dose when first starting your feeding. So yes, 3-4 grams if that's your correct number.

I didn't do the math, but whatever number you come up with, drop it to 1/4 dose. I find that when the plant is mature and growing really fast, the dose goes up past the recommended amount, sometimes double.

These are just guidelines, with practice you will start to read the plants. Like my kids, they starting asking for dinner when they are hungry. I ignore them until they start hitting me on the head, yelling "feed me now!" Lol


New Member
thanks guys
thanks prosperian , really helpful . i dont know , maybe ill wait till its 1 month old to start feeding ,

"Like my kids, they starting asking for dinner when they are hungry. I ignore them until they start hitting me on the head, yelling "feed me now!" Lol" >>>> hahahah , excellent example ;)