Help New Grower HELP


Active Member
This is my first time. i have a hydrohut that is 4x4x7. i have 5 fans in it and 2 250 watt. the temperature is around 83-85 during the day and 78 at night and 20% humadity . its veg right now and lights are on 24 hours a day. need help badly. here are the pictures of what is happening. lots of leaves are very yellow and some are slightly burning. new clone is going limp.



Well-Known Member
how much water are you giving them? is that hydro? if so maybe your flooding your roots? what kind of nutes? are you PH'ing your water??

jay cas

Well-Known Member
first off, your slow cooking your plants. try adding more ventallation to the box. are the fans hooked up to the lights or just circulating the air? your goal should be to get the temp down to 72-75 during the day and around 65 at night.the humidity should stay around 30-40% as well. over hot and under moist will dry a plant out quickly. i agree they look water deprived to. whats your watering schedule? do you feed them? if so with what and on what schedule? have you cloned before? how new is the clone?


Active Member
one is mh and one is hps both 250 watt. yes the clones are in rockwool and the big plant is in hydro. what do you mean flooding the roots ?

The Garden Shed

Well-Known Member
it is dwc so the nutes are just in there i use dutch one and liquid karma. the fans are just moving air
sorry i'm new here is DWC a wick system or a drip system, either one you should always make sure theres a certain level of water or the absorbtion will cease. always feed weekly and top off during the week with good water, it sometimes has to be done 3times a week. you definitly need air circulation from the outside, and a vent. take any none oscilating fan duct tape a 4" duct making the fan blow out and loop it so no light comes in from the outside and cut a 4" whole duct tape the other end to it. You should take air in from the bottom and exit on top, heat include as it rises. in one end out the other, not side by side. buy a 4$ dryer damper thing at Canadian Tire and stick it in the 4" out whole you've just made. time the fan so it comes on during light cycle and when it's off the floppy things on the damper will not allow light in the room during dark periods.


Active Member
i have a 550 cfm exhaust fan and i am in a hydrohut so there is flaps at the bottom for air coming in. dwc is where the roots sit in water

The Garden Shed

Well-Known Member
ok well the air circulation is obviously not the cause, so i say get rid off that reflective material you put in there and leave the white of the hut. White is the best because it doesn't absorbe any light thus not emiting heat, and the reflective material like tinfoil will cook the plants. 500W should not cook the plant and if you have 550cfm in a 4x4x7 room your replacing your air every 20 sec, rull of thumb is every 5 min, but it's not really a bad thing fresh air is good, but it's obviously not the hot tempwise, so again i think it's that reflective stuff. did you add that? Because you can still get a tan in the wind,, lightwaves can be amplified by reflective material, this usually would create heat, but because your doing so well at venting you're not noticing the temp increase.

jay cas

Well-Known Member
i know nothing about hydro systems, but you have to find a way to cool those lights. if your room is still fluctuating anywhere around or over 85, its not good. the air flow in sounds more than adiquate but you have to blow the hot air off the lights straight out your box. air circulation alone wont drop those temps. im sure you know there are fans you can get that hook right up to the lights. using duct hose connected straight from the light to an exahust hole to funnel out that heat. any hydro store can help you out. if this wont/isnt working im outa ideas... -best of luck-


Active Member
i just got a humidifier so my temp went down to around 75 and my humidity is up to 55-60 percent. i use mylar but is the bubbled kind that is supposed to reduce heat spots. i think i figured out the problem though. i think it was my ph. i was running a little high with it. i was doing 6.6-6.8. i just droped it down to 5.8 but i think i might have done it a little to fast. but do you think having 6.7 ph would affect the plant like the pictures above?


Active Member
if they are yellow, you need to water it more and feed morre plant food....did u switch ferdilizers?

jay cas

Well-Known Member
i just got a humidifier so my temp went down to around 75 and my humidity is up to 55-60 percent. i use mylar but is the bubbled kind that is supposed to reduce heat spots. i think i figured out the problem though. i think it was my ph. i was running a little high with it. i was doing 6.6-6.8. i just droped it down to 5.8 but i think i might have done it a little to fast. but do you think having 6.7 ph would affect the plant like the pictures above?

tough call, thats right on the border of to high, could be a part of the problem. i still think heat was the main culprit. unfortunatly now your humidity is to high. just keep a keen eye out for mold.