Help Newbs Understand From A Buisness Perspective


Active Member
"can you tell me how lol j/k:smile:"
yeah, real easily, tie a rock to some string, tie the other side to your member and heave the rock...


Active Member
yeah, theres a shortened version on youtube that has only the section about the grow op but i can't remember how i found that so the guy will have to suffer through the whole clip


Well-Known Member
whats that only 25g?
The only time you will know what 25 g's are is when you said " GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGod damn I wish I could get money like that, Hey mom can I get a raise on my allowence". Now go to bed son its past your bed time


Well-Known Member
20'gs isnt all that much it seems like alot but when you have it it can and will go fast if its your first time having money like that


Well-Known Member
Well if I was young then yes I would agree it would go fast. But once you get alittle older you become alittle better with money.


Well-Known Member
The only time you will know what 25 g's are is when you said " GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGod damn I wish I could get money like that, Hey mom can I get a raise on my allowence". Now go to bed son its past your bed time
25g only = 5lb's of good smoke here,whats a lb go 4 at your country?


Active Member
almost forgot my shameless plug, my supplies for my diy humidistat and thermostat are coming in either tomorrow or monday so go check out the thread for updates...


Well-Known Member
get outta here i'll paddle and carry 5 pounds across the lake and thru the bush if i can get that much lol get 5 pounds for like 8 - 9 g's


Well-Known Member
1 lb for where i am is anywhere between 4g to 5, 6 grand.
and let me just say ive been in the "biz" long enough to know how to turn a profit
and i can garentee that hes a kid trying to make some quick cash. probably doesnt even know how to grow. except for the obvious fact that plants need water =p.
btw they are right this site isnt about making money or selling, its about growing and learning from everyone.


Well-Known Member
dude thats mind blowing how much yall pay for the green out there dont know how i'd live i'd always be broke lol


Well-Known Member
like seriously i've been across the border before it wouldnt be that hard just wouldnt know anyone lol