HELP!! Nute burn issues?! Deformed leaves, dark red stems!


Hey everyone I have some major issues goin on with my girls. First i'll give you some background info. They're grown in soil and are about 5-6 weeks into veg state...the temp is around 70-75 degrees and the humidity stays between 55-60. The ph is around 6.5. A couple weeks ago we transplanted them from 1gal to 5gal pots and so we needed to adjust our feeding schedule. Before transplanting we were giving them 2 tbs nutes per gal but we were splitting only a gal n a half total among 12 plants. Once they were in 5 gallon pots we still used the 2 tbs/ gal but gave each plant thier own gallon. This upped thier nute dosage by like 150% and they got burned. So we flushed them with regular water mixed with a little super thrive. Even after flushing the new growth is showing burnt tips and throughout the leaves as well. The new growth is deformed on some plants and getting brown and crispy before they even grow big. Also some of our very vibrant light green stems have turned dark red, some people said it could be the strain causing the redness but i would think if that were the case they wouldnt have started our pretty green. Ive attatched a pic of the messed up deformed leaves and of the stem color. any suggestions on what this might be and what i can do?!?



I've got that same problem. They look overwatered and by what you wrote they are def overnuted (purple stems are a dead giveaway of too many nutes in the plant). What I did (and prob what you need to do) is go to your local grow shop and get some clearex or some flushing chemical. Wait a couple of days and flush with 10 mL per gallon. You plant's roots need to breathe (get more air) more especially since they are in veg and don't need alot of nutes like a flowering plant would. After your flush, water with plant distilled water for 1.5 weeks.

Don't get your hopes up too high. When you put that many nutes in the soil and your plant gets that sick, it takes a while for it to turn around and start growing again. It will burn some more...but it should get better.

Let dry, flush with clearex, water with distilled water every 2 to 3 days (1 to 2 for flowering) for 1.5 weeks. They should survive


oh and only use nutes every other watering and if you only water every 3 days, that means nutes (small amount) once every six days


Active Member
now since u allready how it progress over next week...let it dry and only feed w water...if u use soil that has all nutes it needs, u said recently replanted, so im guessing new soil?
anywho...i had similar problems w the leaves and i had used a soil w out micronutrients...LOL...i took the wrong bag hehe...i didnt know after few weeks when i saw the leaves deforming n stuff and i went back and looked at the soilbag....bought new soil containing all it needs and viola...both plants started growing and new leaves looking perfect. The red stems could be from many things....NPK def, mag def, P def...but most likely moisture stress?! Anywho, GL!


Yea, i was going to feed them today but I guiess your right I will stick to watering for now. Its been over a week since we flushed and theyre not that much better do you recommend i flush a 2nd time??? I was going to do a normal watering today if not. they are the wierdest day theyll be perky and standing upright and the next theyre droopy...even if I dont water them or anything...I hope they get better and the nute burn subsides