help! nute problems (pix)


Active Member
hydro grown w/drip system in the 3rd week. I'm not sure what the problem is, ph level is fine, does this look like a little reservoir water splashed on it or a nute deficiency? Thanx for any help.



Well-Known Member
I have a similarr problem iv flushed the medium and started using a organic nute, plants have improved . definetly flush the medium looks like nute burn may be you fertilized her when she was to young?


Well-Known Member
3rd week is still pretty young for nutes. If you know your ph is ok, then the next question is what strength of nutes are you using (1/4 I'm assuming) As recommended flush the plant.


Active Member
Rockwool unpredicable for me. seems you have to keep flushing it w/proper ph to keep it the level you want .