HELP!!! Nutrient lock...I think.


Active Member
I'm into my second week of flowering and my baby is starting to have yellow/green blochy leaves starting from the bottom up and the leaves around the rest of the plant, the pistels expeciallty are starting to wilt. I know my PH was off when I started investigating my problem, so I flushed the system with plain water of the right PH and let the plant sit overnight. Today I added water with nutrients and the proper PH to the plant. Today the pistels seem to be longer then yesterday, but the leaves still look bad. Is there anything else I should do or is there something wrong with my solution? If I did what I was suppose to how long before I know if my solution worked? Any help would be great.

Also I was told that during the flowering stage the plant is using it's stored nutrients instead of needing as many new nutrients. Is this true? Should I change my feeding habbits/nutrients between flowering and veg?
I am a newbie, and this is my first grow. Any advice would be great!
