Help nutrient overdose or deficiency ? Pics


Well-Known Member
Ok I have 5 plants in flower but one has not liked nutrients as strong as the rest so I have not been giving it any for the past three waterings and it has tarted to develop these brownish orange on the fan leafs and I am not sure what it is

I'm using FFOF soil in 3 gallon pots
Lighting is cfls about 400 watts
Plenty of air flow
Was using FF trio
Also using distilled water w/ph of 6.5
The plant has been in flower for two ad a half weeks and has grown about 8 inche since then and I was told the plant is kush adopted it october from a good friend here's the pics

If I need more pictures let me know or if I am lacking any useful info also


Well-Known Member
The pic is pretty blurry but it looks like a magnesium deficiency. Try foilar feeding some epsoms salts. 1/2tsp per quart. I see they are early in flower so be sure to keep the air moving well to dry your flowers out.


Active Member
Hmm I just had what appears to be the same problem growing purple kush in FFOF with whole Fox farms fert line. I too was confused on the problem so I flushed and then went back on feeding half strength ppm fox farms and cal mag before returning to full strength ppm. I use reverse osmosis water with a ppm of under 10. I have read that the ppm of around 200 that alot of people have on tap contains mostly cal mag. My understanding is that fox farms is ment to be used with tap water which provides that cal mag, so hence the need for adding a cal mag product if you are using distilled water. My plants seemed a little more over ferted then yours and hence why I flushed first. Since you have stopped feeding for a while I personaly would resume fertilizing with addition of cal mag or possibly consider doing a little reading on fertilizing with blackstrap molassas as it contains cal mag and is cheap at the grocery store.


Well-Known Member
ok well now that I look into it and with the info u guys gave me how do u think is the best way for me to treat this should I go get some cal mag from hydro store or can I use Epsom salts from cvs I do have some Grandmas molasses too

Kinda upset that FF being a supposed good nutrient doesnt add cal mag to there nutrient line or am I wrong?

Also should I start adding nutes right away or adjust the cal mag then add nutes later a lil confused but I appreciate the help


Well-Known Member
your in early stages nute burn,but a mild case. drop back flowering nutes about 20%. dont flush.


Well-Known Member
ok well now that I look into it and with the info u guys gave me how do u think is the best way for me to treat this should I go get some cal mag from hydro store or can I use Epsom salts from cvs I do have some Grandmas molasses too

Kinda upset that FF being a supposed good nutrient doesnt add cal mag to there nutrient line or am I wrong?

Also should I start adding nutes right away or adjust the cal mag then add nutes later a lil confused but I appreciate the help
good hydro nutes have the trace elements.


Well-Known Member
Ok well didn't get to this quick enough but I flushed yesterday morning and added some Epsom salts and a dose of molasses and it seems to just be getting worse it's making me sad this was my favorite plant all the fan leafs are showing these brownish orange tints to them and tips are pointing upwards I'm gonna take some nice clones from her

What should I do now that I've flushed and added Epsom salts and molasses ?

And I haven't used nutes but 3 times total with this plant I'm starting to think it's the FFOF overdosing her soils 6 weeks old and was told after a month to start adding nutes and after the first couple times I stopped cause she started looking like she didnt like it

This all couldnt of happened at a worse time than now


Active Member
FFOF sucks and the nutrients are unbalanced! If you flushed I would just check your ph, adjust it if it needs to, and then water with no nutes for about a week to a week and a half. The only time my plants had major problems FFOF was the culprit. When adding nutes never go over 1/2 concentration. I would even use a 1/4. After a little over a week has passed, take a look at the new leaves and see if they are showing any problems. If not, you might be ok (as far as the cal-mag). If the old fan leaves still continue to deteriorate, then the problem still exists and you made need a little more phosporus and some cal-mag. Be careful with the cal-mag by itself as too much of those two tend to start locking out other nutes. Especially if your ph is off.