HELP! Nutrients

I'm using kandi pro nutrients. Guy at the grow shop recomended it. But my grow a one that is the colour green sometimes has this browny grey slime stuff that comes out? Could it be mould or what is it? Can I still use it?


Well-Known Member
The Google God says that "Kandi-Pro" nutrients dont exisit and if they did, Google would know about them. Google knows all.
Check and make sure that grey stuff wasn't your brain falling out.


Well-Known Member
take it back to grow shop get a refund and slap the seller for the shit he sells and charges
go get a nute that is tested by growers


Well-Known Member
dose it have a barcode on the bottle if so put a pic of the barcode on here i can scan it and see what exacaly it is


Well-Known Member
google no idea bing no idea ebay no joy amazon no joy even called my grow shop supersonic hydroponic and this bloke know his shit he said he got know idea aprt from its could well be a seaweed extract feed supliment aprt
dose it have a barcode on the bottle if so put a pic of the barcode on here i can scan it and see what exacaly it is
dose it have a barcode on the bottle if so put a pic of the barcode on here i can scan it and see what exacaly it is
Yeh I'll go take a pic of it, would it damage the plants at all though? I flick out any chunks I see and it's only every now and then.. I been using for a few weeks and plants seem healthy?
google no idea bing no idea ebay no joy amazon no joy even called my grow shop supersonic hydroponic and this bloke know his shit he said he got know idea aprt from its could well be a seaweed extract feed supliment aprt
Keep in mind I'm in australia. It's definitely not seaweed extract
picture of barcode ????
Cheers for helping at
barcode scanner says its dosnt exist worldwide
Well surely it does exist coz I bought it lol! It's been feeding my plants okay since I'm growing in coco and they arnt really showing any signs of deficiencies.... But I havnt grown in coco before or even really used nutes so thought maybe someone had this problem but I guess not lol


Well-Known Member
good plan it could be algi from the bottle sitting on the shelf do you shake the bottle well before using it or give the grow shop a call were you got it from and ask the man if its normal or what